hospital part 2

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Sean's POV

"Sean, you're awake!" I heard the sweetest voice in the world. "Kayc, what happen?" I asked her. To be honest, I knew what happen. But I just want her to explain it to me. "Well... you saw me crying and decided to move. Then I think the coyote thought you were going to attack it and it attack you. But then someone came running chasing the coyote away and brought your unconscious body to the hospital. And now we're here," she explained. I let out a chuckle. The way that Kaycee explain it made it so funny. Mainly because she didn't realize she was saying it in a baby voice. God, she's cute. WAIT, WHAT!? Okay Sean, snap out of it. "What are you laughing at?" she looked at me so confusingly. Why did she need to say that cutely? "Would you stop being so cute," I blurted out. She looked at me with her eyes wide and her face was red as a tomato. Then I realize what I have said. "Um, I-I didn't mea-mean it like t-that," I quickly said as my blood started rushing. "It's okay, Sean. I know I'm hot," she said while shooting a wink at me. Man, she made a joke to me. Is she getting comfortable with me? "All I got to say is thank you. For bringing me to my favorite place and reminded me of how my grandfather was awesome. And sorry for lashing out on you," she said to me with a warm smile. Kaycee Rice is going to be the death of me. "So... does this mean we are friends?" I asked her hoping that she would say yes. She was silent for a while and then shot a smile at me and said "Yes,".

AUTHOR SIDE: So sorry that this was short but I promise it would be longer in the future

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