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this is only Kaycee Pov because I think the Sean Lew character I created will not talk to his friends as much and that's why he won't say anything about the date.

so enjoy

Kaycee's POV

"YOU SAID YES TO HIM!!!!!" the first thing I heard was Josh shouting at me. " Can you calm down, it's not that serious," Tahani said in a calm tone. I don't even need to ask why was Josh yelling at me because I know why. " I blanked out so-" Josh cut me off.  " SO!!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED HIM TO REPEAT OR MAYBE JUST MAYBE NOT TALK TO HIM!!!!" Josh yelled again but this time he was a bit louder. Everyone, I mean everyone was looking at our table. " Josh, control yourself and let's just wait for the others so we can discuss," Tahani said trying to calm Josh down. I have to admit Tahani is pretty mature when she is around Josh. Well mainly because Josh doesn't know how to have fun. He used to but not anymore. " Please stop shouting at me and sit down. I'm getting the "look over"," I said to him. If you don't know what is a look over then let me explain. A look over means that everyone is looking at a pacific person in our group. it's a word my friends and I created. If you still wondering who is in my group then wonder no more. I'm friends with Ken San Jose, Baliey Drew Sok, Josh Price, Jayden Hernadez, Tahani Anderson, Will Simmons, Julian and Charzlie Glass. Yea.... the last one is a couple. Speaking about them, they have all arrived to the wonderful "Embarrass Kaycee Rice" show. "Um... why is everyone giving our group the look over?" Baliey asked. "Well, ask sir yell a lot," I said sarcastically. "Dude, did you yell at Kayc?" Julian asked. "Do you not know what happened or are you acting dumb?" Josh asked in a bitter tone. Josh is sometimes too much for me. I mean he is looking after us but still calm down. "Josh what happened happened. We got to move on and stop letting people look over us," Jayden said in a strict tone. Somehow Josh listens to her and sat down. After him, all of us sat down at the same time. "So, when is the date?" Ken asked me with a smirk. Just because Josh doesn't have humour, doesn't mean we didn't. I laughed and punch Ken lightly at his shoulder and said "Don't call it a date and it's today at 5 pm,". He nodded and turn his head to talk to Baliey. I'm surprised no one is asking me anything. I think Josh is too but he just kept on eating his sandwich and I ate my food. The bell rang a few minutes later and we went to class.

author note: so yeah 6 days later but whatever. this took too much time and umm yeah cliffhanger. thank you for reading. also my Wattpad is broken.


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