Chapter 63

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"Why are you making porridge?" Mira queried as she helped Carol with the food, noticing that she and Carol were making two different meals, the cut potatoes were already on boiling away in a pot of oil, the oil Mira had brought back with her, Carol stood next to her stirring the pot of porridge in question. Mira added the last of the cut potatoes into the boiling oil. Scooping up the peelings and putting them in the bin, occasionally looking over at the newcomers, for some reason they weren't what she had imagined. She'd heard about most of them, and most of it wasn't good not that they had been vicious and cutting, just telling the truth as they saw it.

"Harry says to give them porridge," Carol answered quietly, they had some cinnamon they could put into it as well, give it a bit of taste, unfortunately no milk. "Will you look after it for me? I have something I want to collect from the library,"

"Of course, I'll keep an eye on Sophia too," Mira confirmed, knowing that Carol would have asked that next, she always did. Ever since she'd almost lost her daughter she kept a very close eye on her. Not that she'd been there, but she knew about it and what Harry had done - which didn't surprise her the least. He was every definition of a hero that she'd always imagined him to be, but also extremely concerned about revealing magic, for all the opposite reasons she'd thought. He didn't care about the rules, he cared about the people he had under his care, worried that they wouldn't react well to the revelation so had hidden something that would have made everything easier. She couldn't imagine how difficult it was to desire to use magic but not doing so. Yet he did it with ease, it was the opposite of her, wishing so badly that she was magical when she was younger.

She hoped for his sake that they accepted that part of him, she didn't want to imagine what would happen if Harry decided to leave them to it, they had no idea how much magic had kept their lives more than just tolerable in this new world.

Noticing the chips were nearly ready, Mira put on the garden peas and warmed up the corned beef which had been previously removed from its tin earlier. She noticed that Oscar, Big Tiny and Axel looked very uncomfortable, which was very unlike them, she made a mental not to speak with them later, find out what it was.

"How long have you been here?" Beth asked Amy, it was warm in here, probably from the cooking and of course of the coffee she'd been given. She'd always imagined prisons to look bleak and depressing, and wondered if they had made changes to it. She honestly didn't care at this point; she was safe, safe for the first time in months.

"The entire time," Amy explained, "We found it within a few days after the group split up." she was ever so glad her sister had decided to follow Harry.

"So soon?" Amy gasped, wide eyed.

"We had a map of the area," Andrea was the one to speak, "The morning after Merle, Daryl and Harry began to look for somewhere we could stay. They narrowed it down to a few locations, and ten minutes later we began to make our way here by the most direct route, dealing with about a dozen pile ups, but it was worth it." exhausting but worth it.

Despite the fact they'd been talking, Harry's group quietened down when they heard doors opening, judging by the quietness of the footsteps they could accurately gauge that it was most likely Daryl. To their surprise it was Carol, who came through, but uncharacteristically she had a frown on her face, it became apparent why, when Daryl AND Harry stepped into the room. Even Daryl had a scowl on his face at the fact Harry was refusing to slow down even after being hurt.

"Dinner will be ready in five minutes," Mira told Harry absently, they probably hadn't eaten since this morning and were no doubt extremely hungry.

"Thank you, Mira," Harry said, his voice lower than normal, a grimace of pain appeared on his face as he sat down.

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