Chapter 12

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Harry ran as fast as he could, Daryl and Merle hot on his heels, he was faster than the brothers though, so he quickly skidded into the room, the plates they'd used still stacked up on the side after being cleaned - he could accurately guess that it was Carol who had done it. He flicked his wand around the room before unshrinking his trunk and "Accio food," which worked with intent, and Harry wished to summon everything edible that would see them surviving. He had to summon the frozen food afterwards, and it too was quickly slotted into the frozen compartment.

"The fuck?" Merle muttered his blue eyes squinting as he looked into the trunk it was the first time he'd actually looked into it. There looked to be an entire shops worth of food in there. That explained why he'd gone back into that supermarket months back when it was filled with walkers. He moved just in time to stop himself being lobbed by frozen food that was piling into the trunk. "Ain't you worried they'll see?" Harry had made it more than obvious he didn't want them to know. Threatened to magic him up a tree all night bound if he let the cat out of the bag so to speak.

"Jenner had a gun, he says there is plenty lying around," Merle muttered, moving towards the door to make sure nobody came.

"I'd hear them before they came, and you're right, but if I summon them and they are still out there they'll see," Harry replied thoughtfully. One thing he'd learned the first few weeks out there was that you cannot have too many guns, or ammo. They were literally the only thing between you and surviving especially if it's a group of walkers. "Wait...why the hell are they going back in there the fucking idiots!"

Daryl glanced at Harry in confusion, before looking out of the room as if he could find out for himself.

"They've gone back to the main room," Harry explained further, turning the mechanism on the trunk, the food disappeared and guns showed in the next compartment. "Accio all unused guns and ammunition!" both Daryl and Merle swiftly turned into the room not wanting to be on the receiving end of being knocked out by a magically flying gun. Yes, Harry definitely was the difference between that sorry lot surviving or dying. Even Harry was surprised by the amount of stuff coming his way, there was a good assortment, probably had something to do with the barrack they had built outside, before it had become overrun. Checking his guns he noticed he was low so grabbed a few magazines and put them in his pocket, better safe than sorry. He grabbed a few for Merle and Daryl as well; he knew which ones they needed.

"Let's get the hell out of here," Harry slammed the lid closed and shrank it within seconds and slipped it securely in his pocket. He was always careful with it, but it was out of habit, if anything happened though he only needed to say a few words and it would be securely back to him. He had made damn sure his things weren't going anywhere for however long it held. Waste not want not, Harry thought to himself as he ran along the corridor, cancelling the eavesdropping charm that allowed him to hear better, and skidding into the main room just as the countdown started, "What the hell are you waiting for come on!" just then Jenner had the metal door closing, "GET OUT JUST GO!" he roared to the brothers as the door slammed down, beating it with his fits in fury as it completely cut them off. He knew Merle would get Daryl out; he would never risk his brother for anything, not even him he knew that and completely understood.

He couldn't risk using magic to open the door in case it fucked everything up, this was Muggle stuff, electronic stuff, and he wasn't risking getting it jammed.

"Did he just lock us in?" Shane cried out in indignation.

"Let us out!" Rick demanded, glancing at the time sweat pouring down his forehead.

"There is no point, everything topside is locked down and emergency exits are sealed," Jenner said regretfully. "It's better this way," at least they wouldn't be eaten by monsters.

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