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As I trudged through the thick forest with Giyuu on my back, I tried to keep small talk going with him so that he wouldn't lose consciousness

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As I trudged through the thick forest with Giyuu on my back, I tried to keep small talk going with him so that he wouldn't lose consciousness. Most of his weight was on me, but he had enough strength to push his feet against the ground, giving me somewhat of a relief. If he knocked out, I'd be supporting every last bit of him on my shoulders.

I glanced up at the sky, looking for the moon to gauge what time it could possibly be. I immediately looked directly above me, praying that the moon would be elsewhere. Thankfully, I didn't see its glow. As I looked forward, there it was in the west, a waning gibbous directly in front of me.

It has to be like 3 or 4 in the morning...Just a couple more hours till sunrise...

Even though we weren't far from safety, I didn't have speed on my side like I did on the way here. All I prayed for, was that we wouldn't run into another demon.

"I shouldn't be...a Hashira..." Giyuu said, sputtering blood. Instantly, I felt my face grow hot with anger. I was running on pure adrenaline, and his negative comments were all I needed to be set off.

"Cut that shit out, Tomioka..." I said between my teeth. I normally would have a much more compassionate response, but now was not the time to be spouting stupid remarks like that one.

"It's true...If Sabito was in my...place..." He began, a cough interrupting his speech. "He wouldn't need saving..."

Who the hell is Sabito...? I thought.

I gripped onto the wrist that he had throw over my shoulder, digging my nails into his skin to get him to shut up. I felt him wince, and hoped that would be enough to shut him up.

"I said stop it, you idiot!" I yelled. Maybe I was spending too much time around Shinazugawa. I was never this short fused.

But my anger and haste was a bad mix. As I stepped over a large root that stretched out from a nearby tree, my foot slipped on a mossy rock that hid behind it. My foot twisted from the lapse as all my weight as well as Giyuu's landing on my ankle.

I started to go down, not realizing what was happening until I heard a snap, and a horrible pain shot up my leg and down my foot. I tried to brace my fall, but my arms were tangled with Giyuu's. He was able to correct himself, so that he would fall on his side, but I fell face first onto another rock, smacking the right side of my forehead against it.

It all happened so fast.

I heard a sharp ring in my ears as I struggled to focus on one thing in front of me. Giyuu was trying to lift himself up with his good arm as his expression went blank when he looked at my face. Without thinking my hand covered my forehead, and when I brought my hand down to look at it, it was covered in blood.

Dark Winds | Sanemi Shinazugawa x Female ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora