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Sanemi had to leave...

I tied up my dress really quick, slightly embarrassed about how exposed I unknowingly was. I didn't want him to go...but I knew what our jobs as demon slayers meant for us.

Yet, I knew Sanemi could hold his own. Out of all the Hashira here, I believe in him and Gyomei to live past all of us. They were the most experienced and resilient, but deep inside, that nagging fear always bugged me.

As I walked back to my Estate, I forced my negative thoughts away, since I knew they weren't good for me. I walked into my house once I got there, and threw myself onto my futon, desperate to get my thoughts in order.

I had to tell myself over and over again that everything that had happened with Sanemi was real. Deep inside, I was falling for him faster than I wanted to, and I had to remind myself that I was already in love with the idea of him, but not of him himself.

To be honest, I still didn't know much about him, at least not as much as I wanted to know. I knew a little too much about his body, how each little indent dips on his abs, or just how far the scars on his face reach, but I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know more about what was in his brain, or in his heart.

I know he is a broken person, but so am I...

That next morning I woke up and slept in a lot later than I had wanted to. But, lucky for me, my skills weren't so useful during the day. My crow sat at my windowsill, enjoying the morning sunshine as I opened it up to get the gentle breeze in. My heart slightly clenched at the fear of bad news, but she didn't say anything. I took a deep breath, knowing that even though I told myself not to worry, I still did.

The moments I had by myself during the day proved to me that I had no idea what I was doing as a girl falling in love. What do I do during the day, when Sanemi and I actually have the daylight on our side? I so bad wanted to go over there, but I couldn't get myself to go. I didn't want to seem desperate, and I didn't want to show up uninvited. 

I figured if he really wanted me to come to his Estate, he'd send his crow over. So, I stayed home, and did the same mindless activities I always did.

Thankfully, before I knew it, the sun was setting. I cooked myself dinner and laid down for a nap, fully expecting to be called on a patrol later that night.

Normally I would naturally wake up, but this time, I was met with my crow banging on my window. That was a rare occurrence, so quickly I shot up out of my futon.

"Head East! Hashira in trouble! Hashira in trouble!!" She said with urgency as I opened my window.

My heart stopped at her words as the faces of all my comrades closest to me came into my mind. I ran out of my estate, grabbing my haori and katana, and booking it out of HQ.

I ran faster than my feet could take me, until I accidentally ran into someone entering HQ.

"Where are you going so fast?" Said a familiar voice. Suddenly I stopped running as two hands held me on either side of my arms. I was met with pinpointed plum eyes. It was Sanemi.

"S-someone's hurt! I-i have to go!" I said nervously, not knowing the severity of the situation. "I'm glad you're okay!"

I was grateful nothing had happened to Shinazugawa. I could think a little more clearly, now that I knew he was safe.

Quickly, I kissed him, and ran off, still going extremely fast.

"Be careful!" I heard him yell behind me, which put a smile on my face. It wasn't a very Sanemi thing to say, so I was grateful I meant enough to him for him to say that.

I ran east, almost tripping more than once since I wasn't really watching where I was going. The terrain was more of the rugged side, and I myself was pretty clumsy to begin with. But the Corp entrusted me to find the Hashira in danger, and I was determined to save them, no matter what condition they were in.

As I ran further into the wooded area I was already deep into, I began to smell blood, and a lot of it. Then the sound of rustling became apparent as I quickly followed it, running into none other than the Water Pillar.

Quickly, my mind went into overdrive as I saw his sword in his left hand, due to his right arm being severely injured.

How is he even still alive...? I sure as hell couldn't fight with my non dominant hand...

I didn't want Giyuu to get hurt any further, as he was obviously bleeding a lot, so I while the demon was preoccupied with him, I used that opportunity to decapitate the demon while it least expected it.

Giyuu instantly fell to the ground as the demon's body turned to ash. I ran over to him as fast as I could, fearing the worst.

"Giyuu, I need to you to breathe..." I said, trying to stay calm. I laid him back on his back, as the gash on his shoulder bled horribly. It was down to the tendon, likely causing his right arm to have been unusable in the fight, leading to more damage in other area's of his body.

"I used...Dead Calm..." He began to say, struggling to speak. "I don't know what happened, but it didn't...work..."

"Shhh..." I said, quieting him down. "You're going to be just fine...I"m not letting you go that easy..." I was trying to remain calm, but all of the blood and the thought of losing Giyuu right in front of me made my voice shaky. His eyes looked darker than normal, and seeing him in pain broke my heart.

As I looked at him, I struggled to differentiate between him and the memory of my twin brother. Giyuu was my age, yet he had such a youthful appearance. His eyes were big and sharp, and his thick, dark hair laid messily on his head, just like my brother's used to. Deep inside, it made me sad, but motivated me all the same. I couldn't help my brother back then, but I sure as hell can help Giyuu now. 

I noticed that his uniform was completely ripped, so I tore off the fabric that covered his right arm and used it to tightly wrap up his bleeding wound. His breathing has noticeably coagulated some of his blood, but if I didn't get him back to the Butterfly Estate soon, things could be bad.

"Come on..." I said, as I used his left arm to tug him up and over my shoulder. I thought about how just a few years ago, this would've been impossible for me. Giyuu was even heavier than my twin brother, but now with my built up strength, I could carry him with ease.

Not to mention, I had gotten some practice not too long ago.

"I'll get you back to Headquarters safe, Giyuu. Trust me..."

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