Cigarettes and Ghosts

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After a while of staring off at the gentle rain falling outside, smoking a couple more cigarettes and occasionally putting her hand out to catch some raindrops feeling like a tired little kid - her stomach started to rumble and it was then she realised that Diego hadn't come back with any food like he'd said he would.

It was getting darker and she finally began feeling the discomfort of an empty stomach and so she sighed, hopping down from the window sill.

Bolt perked up from lying on her bed and tilted his head up at her, panting happily.

"Come on, let's go find food." She murmured, rubbing the space between her eyebrows knowing her headache wasn't going to disappear any time soon. She could barely keep her eyes open and yet everytime they closed, it stung and made them water.

They made the slow venture downstairs and once in the kitchen, a little smile formed when she saw the little cans of dog food stacked up on the counter behind the door.

"Someone left you a little gift," she pet him on the head and picked up the plate he'd eaten off before, topping it up with a fresh can of food.

She wondered if it was Diego, but found it funny he'd gotten Bolt some food and not her; in fairness she vaguely remembered him saying he'd get her some after he found Klaus and Klaus was as unpredictable as a hurricane so she didn't blame him, whatever he'd got caught up in.

The second she put the plate of food down Bolt rushed over to practically stuff his nose in it, munching it down in record timing.

She shook her head and grabbed a random bowl from the sink to fill up with water and left it by him, going to fill herself her own glass and planning to gulp it down - her throat was killing her and all that crying had made her dehydrated.

She downed the cold glass before whistling for Bolt to follow.

He lapped up the last of his water before running ahead of her to the back door.

"Sometimes I'm convinced you can read minds..." she stared after him strangely, shaking her head. She let him out the back door and he ran out excitedly, running through the choppy grass and doing a couple inquisitive laps around the old greenhouse, sniffing everything with a wagging tail.

A chill brushed over her skin giving her goosebumps. She only had on her tee shirt dress and fishnets that certainly didn't do anything to keep heat in, so she was glad when Bolt began getting bored of doing his thing and looking back at her as though wondering what was next.

Zero stepped out a few steps, hugging herself.

"You coming in yet?" She asked tiredly.

Bolt huffed and snapped his jaws at some grass that tickled his nose, shaking himself off and looking back at her like he wanted to play.

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