The Day

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The funeral of Sir Reginald Hargreeves - an event that would bring all of the Hargreeves back together for one rare and tumultuous day.

Or so they had assumed.

"Are we waiting for Zero?" Luther asks the room.

There's a wave of silence as the siblings look between eachother.

"What, no one has contact with her?"

"Well she's not exactly the most friendly and forthcoming person, is she?" Diego states, crossing his arms.


He holds his hands up and says nothing, shrugging simply.

"Maybe she's late?" Asked Vanya quietly, though even she didn't quite believe the words that left her mouth.

"Are you kidding me? When has that girl ever been late to anything?" Allison said. The shere notion that the girl with super speed (who could run to one end of the state and back in a couple of seconds) would be late, was preposterous. "If she wanted to be here she'd be on time. So clearly..."

The siblings nodded to themselves, Klaus and Vanya a little disappointed. Even Diego gave a sigh. They knew the answer.

Zero wasn't showing her face for the funeral.

Even Luther and Allison experienced a twinge of disappointment - it had been almost a decade since they'd seen her, and since Five's disappearance she had changed in the worst of ways. All of the siblings in the quiet room remembered the sweet, easily excitable little girl they had grown up with but that person was long, long gone.

Zero had gone her own way at twenty - but even then they barely saw her face before they all began to leave the house to live their own lives. She rarely left her room, and only Klaus knew that if she did, she climbed down from the fire escape to avoid everyone in the house and blocked her door with the back of a chair.

There was curiosity, also. Where was she in life now? While Klaus's cryptonite was rehab, hers had been the psych admissions for various incidents. Sad to say the least that it was the only time they'd hear about her was when the hospital would call 'family members' to inform them of where she was.

So they continued through the funeral procession, three siblings down, like it was normal.

Because in their abnormal worlds, it just was.

When Klaus tried to sneak into her old room he found it was wedged shut at the door, he decided to forget about it and move on.

And just when she was pushed out of all of their minds - the most unexpected thing that could have happened, happened.

And suddenly they all had one unanimous thought and appeared in complete agreement for the first time in twenty years.

Five Hargreeves was back; and Zero needed to get to the academy now.

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