-Snippets of The Past-

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(Excerpts from Vanya Hargreeves Book)


The twins rooms were the only ones on a higher floor.

We just guessed it was because one could teleport and the other had super speed, so stairs weren't really a hinderance to either.

Everyone complained it wasn't fair that they had to share a floor, and the two were always so smug about it.

I think Five just liked being ahead of everyone somehow. Not in any sort of malicious way, just in a more stubborn, head strong type of way.

Zero on the other hand just liked copying Five. I didnt notice it as a kid, but she'd always be looking to him after everything she did as though wondering if she was doing it right.

He was always the more confident of the two and so she often followed along with him as her guide.

They mirrored eachother in a lot of ways, and yet were completely different and clashed so often it was a wonder they could survive sleeping on the same floor without strangling the other in their sleep.


THE THING WITH SORROW - The Umbrella AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora