41• |An unforeseen proposal|

Start from the beginning

"Will you bring her out in a few minutes? We have to start the ceremony soon. I'll just meet everyone and then we can begin." Navya asked her and then told her about why she needed to leave her with the baby for a few minutes.

"Like I said, I am happy to stay like this forever. You go, relax a bit and send Dhruv whenever you want me to get her out, okay?" Nandini reassured Navya that she was fine with it. Anyway, being around the little one had taken her mind off Manik and Aliya who she had not seen after leaving them at the doorstep.

Navya shut the door behind her as she left to greet the guests who she had not seen because she was occupied with her newborn. Nandini looked at the little girl's face who was looking up at her as if she was in awe with her big and beautiful eyes. She showered the baby's face with as many feather-like kisses as possible and then sighed in contentment. Being with a newborn was therapeutic for Nandini.

"You precious little thing... I'm gonna let you into a secret because I know that you won't tell anyone." Nandini whispered to her and she kept blinking at her as if she was actually listening to everything, carefully.

"I am terrified of losing your uncle who by the way hasn't had the decency to even come and meet you first. You don't worry, okay? It is his loss. Anyway... as I was saying... I am so rattled about the possibility of losing him to someone who used to be the love of his life. I don't want your uncle to forcefully stay with me if his happiness is with someone else but how should I let him go when he's become the love of my life, you tell me! No one knows yet but yes, I love him, baby girl. How should I tell him that if he's so occupied with Aliya? I, recently, discovered that he has doubts about us. I have them too but I know that I'd overcome it because it's mostly silly but if your uncle has them then it means that it is serious because he is the most sensible guy that I know. I want to tell him that I'd work through every issue that he has with me because I want us to work but what will I do if I don't get the chance to do so?" Nandini was shedding silent tears by this point. The little girl stretched her hand to touch Nandini's cheeks at which she just let out a small chortle.

"I'm making you sad, aren't I? But today is not a sad day... It is a happy day when you'd get your cutest little name that the world will call you from tonight but to me, you're going to be my little marshmallow because I could just gobble you up all at once." Nandini spoke to her in her baby voice and gently put her down to wipe away the tears on her face. She then kept talking gibberish with her for a little while when Dhruv knocked on the door.

"We're coming in 2!" Nandini announced to Dhruv.

"Let's go, my marshmallow. It's go time!" Nandini mumbled to the baby as she picked her up and nuzzled her nose on her soft face.


"Years ago, I asked you to be my boyfriend in front of all our friends and the entire college. And I figured today would be the best occasion, in front of all our friends, to pop this question, Manik. I know that we parted ways but you giving me my space and not forcing me to end my career to follow you only made me realize what a great person you are and so, I do not want to miss out on you. I have been in love with you for years and ever since you left me back there, I've only grown to love you more. I wanna relocate here and be with you forever if this is where you want to be but as your wife, this time. Will you marry me, Manik?" Aliya's speech stunned every single person in the room.

The ceremony went on smoothly with baby 'Nia' in Nandini's arms most times, giving the new parents a little break from their constant worry. After the function winded up and the guests had their dinner, the couple went down to the gate to see them off. It was just the gang from college that remained, in the end.

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