Pathetic...thats what I was absolutely mind glowingly...pathetic.

I have no idea if that sentence made sense but nothing can describe the amount of non-making sense going on in my head.

Okay I'm definitely losing it.

I tilted my head a little bit and saw Elias's gaze on the road his eyes cold and his jaw clenched.

He looked...tense. Maybe something was wrong with him ? He hadn't eaten yet because I dragged him out the restaurant before his food could come.
Great job Adeline!

"Are you okay ?" I asked him softly.

No response...

Okay then.

"I-I um...I'm really sorry about making you leave and how you didn't get to eat your fo-"

"You think I care about my fucking food Rose" Elias cuts me off speaking sternly.


I mean I would's freakin food.

"What happened in the bathroom" Elias asks me his voice softer than what it was before.

Oh nothing it's just you're crazy girlfriend or whoever she is decided to yell in my face and say nasty things and then proceeded to shove me to the wall injuring my already injured stomach. Why is my stomach already injured ?
Good question it's because my abusive father like shoving me around the house and using me as a punching bag.

I couldn't really say all of that so instead I just said.

"It was nothing"

Wow. Spot on Adeline he was totally going to believe that.

Earlier he called me Rose and no one calls me that. Ever.

Yet I kind of liked it coming out of his mouth.

No! Adeline we are not going down that road again.

It only leads to hurt...literally like physically being hurt because some physco thought we were a thing.
And then of course the mental effects where I'm suddenly craving the attention of the boy who was so intent on ruining my life like a couple of days ago.

I was losing it for sure.

Elias kept driving not asking any more questions thank god.
He drove on the freeway and I kept watching the road ahead is us.

Something was so therapeutic about being in a car at night and just driving.

Oh look my exit I noticed thoughtfully as we drove by.

My exit!

That was my exit the exit that would take my to my the house I should be in because my dad was mostly likely not happy I wasn't home.

" passed the exit to my house." I said jumping up in my seat pain hitting me in my lower back and stomach.

I hissed lowly leaning back slowly.

It's not like he didn't know where my house was. When he dropped me off last time he mysteriously knew where I lived.

That totally wasn't creepy or anything.

I wasn't too bothered to ask though.

That thought process is exactly what is going to get me kidnapped one day.

Elias didn't bother answering me he just kept his head straight.

Excuse me ?

" passed my know the one that  takes  you to my house where I'm supposed to be."  I say to him egging him on to reply.

No reply.

Is he kidnapping me. Like I said pretty easy to do but after everything i just went through I would think he'd give me a break.

"Elias" I said sternly.

I gripped my stomach the pain coming back full throttle.

I let out a breath.

"I'm not taking you to your house" Elias says.

Nooooo really ?

"I'm taking you somewhere else...somewhere you'll be safer."

Safer ?

"I- um could you just take me home ?" I asked softly.

It's not that I didn't want to be around him it's just I didn't want another Blondie attacking me for being within 4 feet of him.

It's also because I couldn't stand being next to him without feeling some foreign emotion.

"No" Elias says calmly.

Okayyyy then.

I didn't even know if arguing with him was worth it because the pain in my stomach was getting really bad.

Like I can barely function and fight with sociopath next to me who I'm sixty three percent sure is kidnapping me kind of bad.

Do I say something ?

Like hey I feel like I'm dying mind stopping by the nearest emergency room. Or just taking me home so my dad can beat me and then the pain would go numb.

Okay no more dark jokes.

I arched my back in pain feeling sort of faint.

This really wasn't good.

I looked over to Elias to see him completely oblivious to my near death self.

"I-" I try speaking but instead a cough comes out.

Elias looks over.

"What the fuck ?"  He says worriedly.

Black dots began to cloud my vision as I let out a soft breath.

"Elias" I whispered.
I reached my hand forward lightly touching his arm.

I needed serious medical attention.

"Rose answer me-"

I try to speak but no words come out of my mouth. I feel hot. My breathing becomes more labored and I can't see straight anymore.

"Rose...shitshitshitshit" I hear Elias Mummer as he starts to speed down the freeway grabbing his phone dialing a number.

"Pick up motherfucker" Elias says angrily.
He slams his hand into the steering wheel repeatedly until the line stops ringing and connects.

" vai a quella fottuta casa Eduardo" Elias speak into the phone.
Translation :|Get to the fucking house Eduardo|

" stay with me" Elias says softly running his hand up and down my cheek as he speeds even faster down the freeway.

Oh lord that did things to me...and now really wasn't the time.

I could feel myself getting sleepier and sleepier until eventually I saw black....


Word count : 1479

Hey guys...
Thanks for reading🤍🤍

Hope you guys like the chapter!!

Leave your comments, suggestions and thoughts...

Also let me know if you guys have any idea what you want to see in the next chapter...


Ps: Sorry for the cliffhanger ily angels 🤞

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