Anyways, the hallways soon began to slowly get extremely crowded as more people came inside the building as well.

People began pushing me and running, some even screaming like animals.

Did I teleport to the zoo or something?!

I swear, if this girl in front of me doesn't move her slow a*s I will run her over.

I HATE when people push me and slow me down, making me get stuck behind the slowest people on earth.

Especially when they are stopping to make conversation to other people, like can't they see I have a class to get to??!

Can't they talk during lunchtime or after-school instead??

As I go from hallway to hallways, looking down at my schedule to avoid making eye contact with anyone, I finally find the room I'm supposed to be in for 1st period.

Just as the bell rang!!!

Great, just absolutely great. 

Now I'm late for class.

Just perfect.


"Hello Quinn! We are just getting started, now go take a seat over there next to Justin and I'll mark you as present, okay?" said Ms.Danielle as I nodded and looked around the classroom.

Anxiety started as I felt everyone eyes on me the second I entered this classroom, I regret looking back up.

Some Just Smiled at me, others weren't even looking or paying much attention as they were busy typing away on their phones.

I finally found the empty seat all the way at the corner of the room.

Next to the most handsome looking boy in this entire planet!!

Ohmygosh he is looking at me!

Scratch that, he is now smirking at me as he caught me staring at him as my heart rate increased.

As I started walking towards my seat with my head down, I felt a tug on my elbow and the next thing you know I went flying towards the floor, making me land on my face.


Laughter erupted throughout the classroom as I felt myself sweat from embarrassment and I started worrying if I broke a bone or anything.

"Class! Settle down, and pay attention!!!" said Ms.Danielle as I mentally thanked her for the attention being taken away from me.

I do NOT like receiving any sort of attention whatsoever.

I quickly got up and simply ran to my desk as I put my head down and started thinking about what just happened.

Did people record me falling down?

Who tugged on my elbow?

Did I break anything?

Why were they all laughing?

Did Justin also laugh at me?

Did the teacher laugh?

Never-mind, scratch that last question.

She seems too kind to laugh at something as bad as what happened.

However that's what I had also thought about my old friend, Gabriela, back in middle school.


"S-Stop it!! You a-are going to r-ruin my n-new dres-ss!!" I said in frustration as Jenna and Anna started throwing mud at me.

Just Smile JustinWhere stories live. Discover now