Chapter 11

499 11 4

The Ashi came running outside with Valencia walking behind her.

" Daddy, wook what Mom gave me. It's a bwacelet"

Ashi said excited and sticking her arm out so i could see.

The bracelet pic up

"Wow, thats so pretty Princess, just like you!, do you maybe want to spend some time with your Brothers? So you can get to know each other"

I asked her

She smiled and nodded happily

"Yayy, let's go Bambina!"

Xavier said and she giggled

We all awed at her, she was literally the most cutest, precious, most adorable thing ever!

I knew she was gonna love it here.... and we were gonna love her so so much.

But i just can't stop thinking about those bruises and cuts..... and why she flinched....

and whimpered... i'm gonna find out sooner or later.

For now, i'm gonna watch how my boys chase after her and tickle her. God i love this girl.

------Anthony pov-----

I couldn't belive it.... We were chasing our little sister?.......little sister.........

I have always wanted that..... and now we were chasing her through the garden and tickling her while the cutest giggles came from her...

Man i love this girl....

And i'm gonna protect her from everyone who dares to touch her


Ashi said through giggles

We all stopped and laughed at the little girl who was panting from running.

"So princess, what do you want to do today"

Enzo asked

"I dwont know"

Ashi said in a shy voice.

"Do you want to get ice cream?!"

Xavier said half squealed

She looked confussed at him.

"What is icwe cweam?"

Ashi said in a shy voice

We were all shocked... We shared a look and then looked at her... I think we scared her bc she backe away and said.

"I'm sowwy, i'm sowwy....pwease don't huwt me"

She said while getting tears in her fering eyes

"Hey hey, it's okay Bambina, we would never hurt you."

I said while walking towards her.

But she flinched and ran to dad...

Oh God....

We all ran after her, but once we got back she was burried in dads chest sobbing while dad was rubbing her back and rocking her.

When he saw us he gave us a glare.

"What did you do?"

Dad asked us

"We asked if she wanted to get ice cream, but she didn't know what it was and we were shocked..... I think we scared her bc she backed up and said please don't hurt me..."

Xander said and we all nodded.

Dad sighed and looked down at Ashi who's sobbes now turned into hiccups.

MAFIA OVERPROTECTIVE BROTHERSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora