"As long as you uphold your end of the deal, then I am grateful to be in your service," Keo says, although I hear the hint of amusement in his tone, and I know Relm does too.

Keo only acts in service of another for something in return.

"Are you going to come out of the shadows and look me in the eye?" I question. I want to see his face, to see what he looks like. I can imagine it in my head, that he's a leering monster who wants to drink my blood or something...

Relm waves his hand dismissively. "Right now, no one needs to see my face. But don't worry, we can still talk."

"Why did you bring me here? I want to return home," I tell him. I miss Hale. I want to be with him, as my immortal self again, and I know he is looking for me.

"Home? To that Immortal?"

My hands roll up into fists, getting the feeling that Relm isn't being sweet. "He's my mate. Wherever he is, it's my home."

"How romantic..." he drawls.

I glance at Keo and he's smirking. I already figure he doesn't have a mate. Who would want to be paired with such a monster? I couldn't even imagine...

"What do you want, Relm?" I demand, getting frustrated. I'm not going to stand here and be made to feel bad about having a mate.

"Do you understand how disruptive your trips to mortality and back have been?" Relm questions, his tone deepening, suddenly serious.

My eyes roll. "You're telling me..."

Relm sighs. "Anomalies have arisen, that have harshened my own magic."

"How so?"

"My one point of existence is to ensure that there is harmony between all realms. And since you stepped into that spell pool, you have essentially put holes in the bridge between the immortal and mortal realm," he explains calmly.

I pause. I've done all that? I had no idea that my existence had caused so many problems, but at the same time, I'm not sure I feel bad.

Because I can feel the power coming off Relm. He is no weak person.

"I never wanted this," I insist. It's not as if I purposefully fell into that magical spell pool. Relm can't blame me for a complete accident.

"Maybe not, and I do apologise, but Hale is too strong for me to punish for creating the spell pool. You are an innocent victim, but that doesn't change what has happened," Relm tells me. My heart falls straight down to my stomach.

I'm vulnerable. Relm won't have a problem with making me pay for what has happened.

"I've gone back to being an immortal...I've done what you asked," I tell him, motioning over myself as if it's obvious.

"I'm afraid that is not enough. The bridge is difficult to maintain. There is only one way to solve this," he says calmly. Were he saying anything else, I may assume he is seducing me, just by his tone of voice.

I shake my head at him. "How can you know?"

"Because I am Relm. Who knows better than me?" He spreads his arms out, and I frown. That doesn't mean anything to me, I know nothing about him. I've never even heard his name before, which means he spends a small amount of time in this realm.

"Please don't kill me. I don't want to die," I beg. Not when I have found my mate. I look toward Keo, as if he's going to help, but his expression remains unmoving.

"Keo and I have come to an agreement. He gets you out of Hale's clutches, and brings you to me, and he gets to use the essence of the magic still lingering in you, to enchant an object that he desires for his own use," Relm tells me.

My eyes widen. "This is wrong. Where is my say?"

"What if I promised that you are contributing to the greater good?" Keo asks, raising his brow.

I scowl at him. What greater good could Keo be involved in? I look at him and I see a heartless monster who is using me for his own gain. I bet he is adding to his own power with Hale's magic that lingers in me.

"What about Keo? How come he gets what I want?"

These two people are made to work with each other, that's why.

Keo smiles loosely, both handsome and deadly. "Because I'm more powerful than you."

"Keo, friend. Why don't you help Vaela here sit down so she can have her blood extracted," Relm instructs.

I stumble back a few steps, but he grabs me within a second, dragging me unceremoniously down onto a nearby chair. I fight against him, but his grip is too tight, as he adeptly winds rope around my wrists.

"This is wrong," I growl hopelessly.

For a fleeting moment, I swear Relm sounds sad. "I'm sorry Vaela. Your death will be swift and painless, at least."


As always, the story will be available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!!

As always, the story will be available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!!

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"You...You what?"

Kastriv examines my husband with an unforgiving, ice cold gaze. "I want to fuck your wife. And you're going to let me."

~Midika 💜🐼

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~Midika 💜🐼

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