Sweet Dreams [ ☁️ ]

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This was requested by @Space__Bean . Thank you so much for the request and I hope you like this!


It was a little after two in the morning and despite the long hours you had worked on the farm today, sleep was not coming to you. You sat up in the bed and looked over at your husband who was asleep peacefully next to you.

You tried your best not to wake him as you tiptoed out of the bed and to your living room. You were feeling a little peckish, so you decided to grab a couple of crackers and watch some television until you were finally tired enough to sleep.

You sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, quickly turning down the volume to not wake Harvey. There wasn't much on at 2:30 AM apparently, so you settled on a sappy romantic film. You cuddled up under a little quilt and watched the movie.

About half an hour later, you still were wide awake and heard some shuffling behind you. You turned around to see Harvey, still half asleep, walking out of the bedroom towards you. "Hey, darling." He stood in front of the couch and scooped you up bridal style into his arms as he mumbled, "Let's go back to bed." He returned to your bedroom and set you down gently on the soft comforters before crawling up next to you. "What are you doing up so late, dear?"

"I can't sleep." You complained. You had dealt with insomnia a lot in high school, and you were beginning to worry that it was coming back. "I don't know why."

"Oh, sweetie." He sat up and pulled you into his chest. "I'm so sorry. Do you want some help?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I just need to fall asleep."

Your husband gently kissed the top of your head and silently left to go back into your main room. You heard some light bumping and banging and you weren't sure what he was doing. After a couple of minutes, he returned with two hot mugs. "Here, drink this."

You took a sip of the warm drink and you were instantly hit with its sweet and calming flavor. "Mmm, what is this?"

"It's sleepy tea with honey," Harvey explained. "My mother used to make it for me when I couldn't fall asleep as a child." He took a long sip. "It's chamomile, mint, and lemon tea with honey and a bit of milk. I know it's not 'medicine', but it always seemed to help me get to sleep when she would make it."

"Aww." You smiled as you continued to sip the calming honeyed drink. "It's delicious, Harv."

Your husband smiled as he finished his cup and gently set it on his nightstand. "Come here." He held his arms out and you happily cuddled up against his chest. "Are you getting more sleepy?"

You sighed. "Not really." You rested your head on his shoulder. "Just go back to bed, babe. You have to get up early for work tomorrow."

"How am I supposed to get any sleep if I know the love of my life can't?" He kissed the top of your head. "Do you want me to run down to the clinic? I could grab some melatonin."

You shook your head. "No, stay here." You pulled the blanket back on top of the two of you. "I just want cuddles."

"That sounds perfect." Harvey wrapped his arms tighter around you. "Do you want to watch some more television?" Your caring husband suggested. You shook your head. "Maybe I could tell you a story?"

"Sure." You smiled. Harvey had never told you a story before, so you didn't know what to expect. "That sounds nice." Harvey turned off his lamp, leaving the two of you in a surprisingly cozy darkness, snuggled together warmly.

"Well," Your husband started. "I don't know too many stories, so I'll just make one up." You took a final sip of your drink before handing it to your husband who set the mug next to his on the nightstand before holding you again. "Let's see... there once was a young boy. He lived on an island in the middle of the ocean. There wasn't much on the island, so he was fairly bored as a young child. It was just him and his mother, who worked long hours to afford their house and food." He sighed as he squeezed you tighter. "He was very alone. The most amazing thing to him, however, was a large, white plane that would fly over the island twice a year or so. He would wait outside on the shores for days in hopes of seeing it every six months.

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