Calm Your Nerves [ 🍋 ] (Gender Neutral)!

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"You know you don't need to do all that for me, right dear?" Your husband asked as he reached his arm around your waist from behind, gently kissing the top of your head as he set the newspaper he was reading down on the hotel sink counter. He stood on his half of the double sink and started shaving his face, making sure to spare room around his bushy mustache.

"I want to look nice for your big day." You explained, continuing to get ready. "This is such an exciting honor!"

You looked in the mirror to see your husband blush under the layer of shaving cream on his face. "It's just a speech, really." He corrected. You knew he was trying to take some of the pressure off of himself, so you let it slide.

In reality, this was huge for him. He was speaking at the Zuzu International Medical Conference (ZIMC), one of the largest conferences for doctors in the world, hosted by highly revered practitioners and scientists. They only chose the best and brightest doctors to give talks at the event, and Harvey had been honored to be one of the keynote speakers.  

He had been practicing his speech for months. It was about how healthy diets can affect bone density. You had listened to the speech probably close to a thousand times. You would hear him practicing in the morning when he made coffee, in the shower, talking to the cat, etc. You were so proud of him, but you were slowly starting to tell that his nerves were getting the best of him as you looked to see him fumbling to properly tie his necktie.

"Here." You fixed the tie for him and started to pack away your toiletries. You threw it back into your suitcase and laid back down on the bed, wearing your elegant outfit you had bought for the occasion. You were exhausted from listening to Harvey practice his speech all of last night and on the bus ride to Zuzu City yesterday. For the first time since you left Pelican Town, you were greeted by silence.

It only lasted for a moment though, because as soon as you closed your eyes a series of knocks came from the door. The hotel the conference was hosted in was quite luxurious and the cleaning services visited your room regularly. Harvey, being closer to the door, opened it to let the maid in. To your surprise, a large man in a bulky blue suit entered and greeted your husband. "Harvey!"

You immediately tried to sit up and look presentable as you watched the interaction. "B-Bruce?" Harvey looked very surprised. You had no idea who Bruce was, he had never been mentioned before.

Bruce wrapped his arms around Harvey in a quick big hug. "It's been so long!"

"It really has." Your husband agreed, scratching his head nervously. "So what brings you here?"

Bruce didn't seem to notice you were even there, he was so busy talking to Harvey. "I saw that you were a keynote speaker today and there was no way I could miss that!" He pulled a small slip of paper out of his blazer pocket. "I even scored front row seats!" You appreciated how he talked about this prestigious medical conference the same way a fan would about their favorite sports team. Bruce showed Harvey the ticket as proof. "See? Row A, Seat 12."

"Oh, good. That's right next to (Y/N)'s seat." Harvey gave you an apologetic sympathy smile as he pointed to you, sitting nervously on the bed.

"Oh wow," Bruce said as he looked you over. "Who's this?"

"Er- um, this is my spouse, (Y/N)." Harvey introduced you. "(Y/N), this is Bruce, my roommate from medical school here in Zuzu City."

Bruce whistled two low notes under his breath at you. "Way to go, Dr. H." He playfully elbowed your husband. "Scoring way outta your league, huh?" He laughed a deep hearty laugh. "I bet all those nights of studying finally pay off when your job lands you someone as young as this."

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