I Don't Know What I Would Do Without You [☁️ 🛌 ]

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🚨❗CONTENT WARNING❗ Mentions of gore, blood, injury, and pain. Please read at your own discretion. 🚨

You saw the warm, orange light spilling out of the farmhouse windows as you limped home. Shit. You realized your husband would still be awake, and you didn't want him to see you in such a sorry state. Well, that and you didn't want him to realize you had been down to the mines, a place he constantly made sure to remind you were too dangerous. A sharp pain surged through your left leg, and you instinctively grabbed it, trying to get home as fast as you could as you hobbled along.

You climbed up the porch steps of your old farmhouse and rested your head on the doorway, trying to compose yourself before you went inside. You straightened yourself up, trying your best to hide the more than obvious injury in your left leg. You opened the door and quietly walked inside as if you could sneak past your overly-caring husband. You slowly closed the door behind you and took a step towards your bedroom when you saw him.

He was passed out on the couch with your bright red telephone on his lap. The handset had fallen onto the floor with the curly string stretched all the way to the box in his lap. Your husband was slumped across the couch, his glasses sliding down his nose and his tie loose around his neck. It was the perfect opportunity to sneak off to bed without him noticing your injury. As you thought that, you were instantly overcome with guilt. It was obvious he had fallen asleep trying to call you, but your phone had been dead for hours in your pocket. He was surely worried about you. By the same token, he worked long hours and needed the rest. You didn't want to wake him. You decided to leave it up to fate.

You tiptoed around the couch and towards your bedroom, trying your best to stifle your moans of pain and avoid any creaky floorboards. You opened the bedroom door, only to hear it squeak loudly.

"Darling?" You heard your husband's sleepy voice call you from the couch. Damn you, fate. You whipped around to see him, only to send more pain through your leg.

"Harvey?" You watched your husband sit up as the telephone finally tumbled all the way to the floor.

He pushed his glasses back up and looked at you. "(Y/N), are you okay? Where have you been?"

"Well..." You walked over to sit on the couch across from him. "I was...uh....in the mines."

"The mines?!" Your husband sat up instantly, suddenly wide awake. "What were you doing in the mines?! And so late?! You could have gotten hurt! Or passed out! Or worse!" You saw panic and dread flash across his face as he said the last few words.

"Harvey, I'm okay. See?" You scooted closer to him to put a hand on his lap, causing the pain in your leg to steal your attention once more. You winced, quickly blowing your cover.

Your husband instantly stood and took your face in his hands as he began to examine you, his doctor's instincts taking over. "What happened?" He asked, quickly racing to the other side of the room to grab his emergency medical bag.

"I hurt my leg, but don't worry, I'm okay." In the blink of an eye, your husband was in front of you, kneeling as he set down his bag. He stripped off his signature green suit jacket, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and put on some blue medical gloves.

"Which leg?" He asked. You pointed to your left, wincing as he rolled your pants up. His face went pale as he revealed a large, deep gash running from the side of your calf to the middle of your thigh.

Blood was everywhere, slowly dripping onto your couch and your husband's arms as his gloved hands examined your wound. He looked up to see you nervously watch the blood spill onto your nice furniture. He sighed and handed you a towel to mop it up. "Darling..." He huffed softly as he helped you set the towel under your leg to catch any dripage. "This is a serious injury. You know the mines are dangerous. What if you hadn't made it home?" His voice trailed off as he returned his attention to your wound.

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