No Need To Worry [ 💔☁️ ] (Male Reader)

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Requested by @MileHasSoup . I hope you enjoy and thanks for the request!


It was the middle of Summer and there were so many repairs to be done on the farm. You had spent Spring trying to make back as much money as possible and make do with what ice had done to your farm last Winter. It was sweltering hot out in the Valley, but you needed to get your work done. 

You had woken up that morning with an intense headache and a sore throat, but it was likely just from the sudden heat wave. You finished chopping and pulling all of the vegetation from your garden patch and moving the larger stones. You were getting exhausted and thirsty, but you were so far from the house that you decided to push through and finish the chores before going in for a glass of water.

You really couldn't spare any time. You had realized that at the current rate, you wouldn't make enough money by the winter to maintain the farm. As you leaned against a tree for a moment of rest, you felt the weight of the endless cycle you were now a part of sink in. No, I have to keep going. For Harvey. You felt so weak, but you needed to be able to provide for your husband. Your body shivered strangely as you grabbed your tools to go repair some of the fences around the barns. 

Your legs felt like jelly as you wandered over to barn. What's happening to me? You made it over to the fence and shook yourself out, trying to focus on the tasks at hand. You didn't last another minute before you felt like you were going to pass out. Damn it, I have to get this done. You were a strong, capable young man and it was your responsibility to help provide. Huffing, you started to repair the fences, trying to do as much as you could in the sweltering sun. 

You weren't feeling good, to say the least. Your body was begging you to take a break, but you needed to keep working. I'll be okay

As soon as you thought that, however, your legs began to give out and you toppled to the ground. You tried to catch yourself or break your fall, but instead hit the dry, rocky earth face first. "Oww." You stood up, but your vision starting spinning as you tried to regain your balance in the intense heat. You realized you were seconds from passing out and tried desperately to run back to the farmhouse, only to see your vision go black as you passed out in the hot Stardew Valley sun.


You started to gain consciousness again. You felt a cool breeze against your skin. You slowly blinked your eyes open. Bright, fluorescent lights flooded your vision. Where am I? I need to get back to the farm, there's so much to do. You looked around and realized that you were in the Clinic. Oh no. Harvey constantly worried about your health and you didn't want to give him another reason to. You needed to find him and tell him you're okay.

You started to sit up but realized you were attached to several machines around you. Before you could try and devise a plan to escape, a strong wave of tiredness hit you. You laid back down and closed your eyes, but you didn't fall asleep. 

Instead, you heard your husband's voice coming from another room. He was speaking in a hushed and respectful, yet urgent tone. You tried to listen, but you couldn't tell what he was saying. A  feminine voice responded, which you instantly recognized as Harvey's nurse, Maru. You heard light footsteps walking towards the room before you saw her appear in the doorway.

"Oh!" Maru gasped, slightly surprised. "You're awake! Let me go get Dr. Harvey, he's been so worried about you, (Y/N)!"

She quickly disappeared and you listened as a pair of fast footsteps bustled towards you. It was like a weight was lifted off of Harvey's shoulders when he saw you. He sighed relieved and ran a hand through his uncharacteristically messy hair. "(Y/N)," He breathed as he rushed to sit next to you.

He instantly grabbed your hand and brought it up to your his lips, keeping it there as he closed his eyes. His shoulders were shaking slightly, and it took you a second to realize that he was crying. "Harvey?" You asked, suddenly concerned. You had seen your husband cry before, but never like this. "Is everything alright?"

He looked up at you and his eyes were tired and bloodshot. "I'm so glad you're okay." His voice cracked. "I was so worried you weren't going to wake up. The past two days have been so scary, dear."

"Two days?!" You asked, alarmed. You had no clue how long you had been out. Your husband nodded his response. "What happened?"

"Well, it seems you passed out working on the farm. Then, you fell face first into a large rock." He stood up and grabbed his clipboard, trying to recompose himself. His voice returned to its professional tone. "It seems like you passed out a few hours before I got home, so your body is completely sunburnt." 

You looked down at your arms, which surely enough, were a blistered red. "That's going to hurt." 

"The sunburn isn't even the worst part of it." He sighed as he sat back down. "You have a concussion, a broken arm, a huge gash across your eyebrow and forehead, your body was completely dehydrated, and you had some of the lowest bloodsugar levels I've ever seen." He reached for your hand again and looked deep into your eyes. "This doesn't happen naturally, (Y/N). Why... why did you push yourself so far?"

You tried to look away from his gaze, but you couldn't. You needed to tell your husband what you had been feeling. "Harv, I just want to provide for you. I'm your husband and we live on my farm. It's my responsibility to make sure you're taken care of." You smiled, which caused your face to hurt. "Winter was a lot harder on the farm than I thought it would be, both fiscally and physically. If I can't get everything repaired and twice as profitable soon, we won't be able to afford the farm by next Spring. I think I can fix it all, but I just didn't want you to worry. I know how you get."

"How I get?" Harvey looked slightly stunned. Immediately, you were worried that you had offended him. "Dear, I don't worry about us financially. Even if we can't afford to farm, we can move to the city where I could make more profit. We choose this country life. How I get, why I worry so much, is that I'm afraid you'll overdo it and end up hurting yourself. Like you did. You're my husband, and I'm yours. We're a team." He stood up slightly to give you a kiss. "Even so, I'm sure we will be able to keep the farm. I'll help you out on my days off." You didn't want Harvey to feel obligated to help out, but it was a considerably relief to know you wouldn't be doing it as alone any more. "Believe it or not, I'm a rather skilled 'fence mender.'" Your charming husband winked, lightening the mood.

"Oh, is that so?" You grinned. "We've been married for a while, how come I haven't heard about this before?"

Harvey chuckled softly. "That's just part of love, mi amore. Discovering each other's secrets." Before the two of you could continue the conversation, Maru returned with some papers for your husband. Harvey quickly looked them over before sliding them into the clipboard. He readjusted his glasses before looking back at you. "Well, honey, it seems you'll be staying here a few more days." He stood up and started to put on some blue medical gloves. "I want to see how your concussion progresses and make sure your arm sets correctly." He started touching the cute on your forehead. "But first I want to ensure that your laceration doesn't get infected." He reached over and grabbed a bottle. "Brace yourself, this stings."

Before you could 'brace yourself,' he sprayed your wound with the contents of the bottle. It felt like cold, prickly spikes dug into your skin. You sucked in a strong breath through your teeth. "Oww!"

Your husband set down the bottle. "Yoba, this was so much easier when you were unconscious." Harvey laughed.

"Wow, my bad." You joked, pretending to fall back asleep. "Sorry for waking up, babe." Harvey laughed again and sat on the side of your bed. The two of you locked eyes and you could tell that you were washing his worries away, just like he had done for you. 

Stardew Valley Harvey Oneshots - Harvey x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu