✏️kyojuro rengoku

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summary : feels
you took a deep breath. "alright..today's the day" you said. "just remember to be confident and straightforward in the flashiest way possible, n/n!" tengen stated, patting your shoulder.
"we believe in you!" mitsuri added, smiling.

you nodded, starting to head over to rengoku. 'all you have to say is i like you! that's it, that's all!'
you stopped in your tracks, horrible thoughts beginning to swarm in your head.
'what if he isn't in the best mood right now? what if he only wants to be friends? what if he likes somebody else? what if he's-'

"ah!" you were thrown over somebody's shoulder. "tengen, put me down!" you spoke, hitting his back. "n/n, you froze up again, are you okay?" mitsuri asked, a worried expression on her face. once tengen set you down, you sighed.

"i thought about him rejecting me and a bunch of other reasons why he wouldn't accept my feelings" you stated.
"well, you'll never know until you try. he might reject you, but he also might like you too! whatever the outcome is, you got it over with! you'd never have to do it again, at least not with rengoku" tengen explained, patting your head. "yeah! there's also a really low chance of rengoku rejecting you in the first place since he's so nice, but you never know" mitsuri said.

you exhaled, a smile growing onto your face. "thanks guys" you said, the three of you joining together in a hug before you started heading off to rengoku once more.

you felt yourself halting. 'NO, don't think any bad thoughts! you're a hashira for crying out loud! you've done harder things!'

your body kept moving forward until you reached rengoku. "hey rengoku!" you greeted, a small smile on your face. he turned to you. "hello, y/n! it's great to see you!" rengoku spoke. you took another deep breath. "same to you, i actually have something really important to tell you" you replied.

"go ahead, i'm all ears!"

"i really like you, not like a friendship, but more like a romantic relationship! i'd really like if we were able to be together, but it's alright if not!" you said with the most confidence you could muster.

rengoku let out a sigh. "that's a relief!" he said. you were confused. "huh?"

"i had wanted to tell you the same thing! i just couldn't figure out to approach you! but, i am glad that you feel the same way towards me, y/n" he admitted, a smile on his face. "may i hug you?"

you nodded, and rengoku wrapped his arms around you. you happily returned the gesture.

you turned to tengen and mitsuri, who gave a thumbs up. you did the same back to them as rengoku pulled away.
"so! does this mean that we are dating now?" he asked, a small tint of red on his face. "s-sure!" you stuttered, surprised at the sudden question. rengoku smiled.
"amazing! i hope our relationship will blossom into something wonderful!" the male exclaimed. you nodded. "i hope so too" you replied, blushing lightly.

"now, it is getting late. we should head back to our rooms for the night!" rengoku said as the two of you heading to your respective rooms.
i am a classified and certified rengoku enjoyer✨

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