✏️zenitsu agatsuma

402 13 7

summary : saving
"b/s...first form..!"

you lunged towards the demon as you gripped onto your sword. it swiftly dodged and attempted to attack you in return. you were barely able to dodge, allowing the demon to scratch your arm. you winced as the pain settled in, feeling as if somebody had burned your skin.
'crap!' you thought, stumbling backwards as you looked at your arm.

it was bleeding, not blood, but a purple substance that burned like hell. you turned back to the demon, who was inching closer by the second. you gripped onto your sword even harder, your eyebrows narrowed in determination.

when the demon got close enough, you swung your sword towards its neck. however, much to your surprise, the sword didn't cut through, despite the force you used.

the demon chuckled as it removed the blade from its neck and threw it across the room. this immediately triggered your fight or flight response. but before you were able to run, the demon grabbed you by your head, causing you to freeze.

it began to slowly crush your head, causing tears to well up at the pain. blood slowly began to fall down your face. your vision began to get blurry.

"thunder breathing, first form...thunderclap and flash!"

you were dropped, groaning as you hit the ground. you glance around, seeing a yellow blur rush over and pick you up. before you can say anything, however, the blood loss causes you to faint.


you awoke, flinching at the pain you felt.
'what...what happened to that demon?' you thought, looking around. you were set against a wisteria tree, covered in somebody's haori. you blinked a few times, starting to get used to everything.

suddenly, something flew onto your hand. you looked down.

"oh. its just a sparrow.."

you pet its head with your finger, causing it to chirp in response.

"you're alive!" you heard somebody exclaimed. you looked up from the bird, seeing a yellow haired male running over to you with a bunch of things in his arms.

"are you okay?? when i saw you, you were unconscious with a lot of wounds! who would injure such a pretty person like you?????"

you just stared at him, trying to process the situation.

"you're staring at me really hard!"

you could see the hearts forming in his eyes.

"does that mean you're falling in love with me?? i mean, i am your knight in shining armor, so it makes sense! hey, why don't we get married???"

he spoke way too fast.

"im sorry, who are you?"

"oh, i'm sorry! i'm zenitsu agatsuma!"

you looked him up and down.

"i'm y/n l/n"

zenitsu gasped. "a pretty name for a pretty person! but what if it was y/n agatsuma!"

you stared once more. 'this guy...'

"you look a bit too young to be so hooked on marrying somebody"

you lean against the tree as you attempt to stand. zenitsu shook his head.

"marriage is great for those who are truly in love! plus, i'm only fifteen!"

'definitely way too young' you thought.

"well, we barely know each other. but thank you for saving me" you searched around for your sword, sighing when you realize that it's still in the domain of the demon.

"hey, where are you going??" zenitsu whined as he spoke. you picked up his haori and held it out to him.

"leaving so i can get another sword"

zenitsu grabbed the haori and slipped it on. you began walking away.


he ran in front of you, dropping to his knees and crying. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE, I'LL DIE IN NO TIMEEEEE!!"

he continued pleading. the sparrow on his head chirped, sounding annoyed.

"fine! you can come with- ah!"

zenitsu had hugged you, crying into your haori.


you gently pat the top of zenitsu's head, signalling for him to back up a bit. once he finally let go, you both started heading down the empty path, zenitsu holding onto your arm with a small smile in his face.


Demon Slayer OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz