
Start from the beginning

"Yeah we should," they mumbled moving towards the younger Conklin girl, his hand on their waist.

"Belly!" Delilah headed over to their younger sister, as Belly stared down at her phone showing a text from Jeremiah, "so what's Jer texting you about?" They asked leaning on the girl.

"Just- nothing," Belly mumbled texting a quick good morning to Jeremiah and then putting her phone away.

The two other teenagers stared at each other eyebrows raised, "okay whatever you say," they mumbled as the sound of heels echo through the large room catching everyone's attention.

"Attention, everyone," Paige said putting all eyes on her, "please welcome our debutante waltz instructor, Ms. Covington."

The old woman was talking about the waltz and how it's a highly anticipated part of the ball, Conrad connected pinkies with Delilah as they got together for the waltz moving away from Belly, "sorry Bells," they mumbled heading towards another area to not bump into the girl.

Nicole walked toward Belly to partner up for the dance, the girls chatted as the older girl taught Belly the dance.

"I forgot how much I hate the waltz," Conrad whispered in Delilah's ear causing the girl to laugh stepping on his foot.

"Shit sorry, Con," they muttered glancing up at the boy, "it's okay Lil," he said as the teacher told them to pick up the pace.

"I suck at this," Delilah told the brown-haired boy. "No, you don't think about the time on the balcony two summers ago, do it just like that," Conrad told the Conklin girl who stared at him in shock.

The duo was stuck in their own world not seeing Jeremiah show up and start dancing with Belly. They stared into Conrad's blue-green eyes, "Alexa play so pretty," the couple heard shocking the two.

Delilah laughed as Jeremiah started dancing, Conrad looked away embarrassed. "Same old Jere," they mumbled, everyone joined in with Jeremiah causing his brother to turn red with embarrassment.

"Come on let's dance," the raven-haired beauty asks leaning on the taller boy.

"Fine," Conrad took Delilah closer to the crowd and started dancing with them, "this is way more fun than the waltz right Con?" they asked as Conrad twirled them.

"Sure," He said kissing the girl on the cheek as the duo danced, suddenly Paige yelled, "what is going on here?" Conrad suddenly perked up same with Lilah.

The couple moved towards the sides to look less suspicious, Jeremiah talked about code brown and not being able to find the keys for the chemicals closet, and he walked off after getting the keys, leaving a lonely Belly.

Dance practice was fun, to say the least.


THE SECOND Delilah got out of the car they sighed in happiness to take off the torture devices that are heels, "I have to go help Cleveland with sailing I'll see you in a little bit," Conrad told Lilah. "Okay see you later Con," they kissed his cheek and headed inside waving goodbye to Conrad.

They blew a kiss shutting the door as the older boy smashed the kiss onto his lips and drove off heading to the boat, Delilah headed up to their room to have some downtime, possibly go for a swim or read.

DO I WANNA KNOW, conrad fisher ✓Where stories live. Discover now