chapter 47

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April 13, 1998 (friday)

I can't believe he's dead.

Harry Potter is dead.

        I felt someone touch my arm and jumped, looking in the direction.

        "It's just me." Enzo whispered, nodding to Theo. Enzo was on one side and Theo on the other. I would probably break down if I was here alone.

        Mattheo and Tom joined our line, directly behind Hagrid.

         We all walked in complete silence. Bellatrix appeared out of nowhere, laughing and jumping in front of us all.

She thinks this is just hilarious.

         We kept walking until we crossed the main bridge to Hogwarts itself. This is where there was the most damage to the building and outside.

       Hogwarts' students were lining the outside of the remainder of the building, all waiting for us.

       Everyone looked rough, blood everywhere and all in bad shape.

        "Who is that? Who does Hagrid have?"  Ginny yelled, stepping out from the crowd.

        My heart broke seeing her. Her boyfriend is dead and we're partially to blame. The entire Weasley family stood behind her.

George was here too.

       "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort announced, laughing as he spoke.

        Ginny screamed so loud, I flinched. She took off running at us all. Her dad ran behind her, catching her and holding her back.

He's dead.

Really dead.

I felt guilty, now more than ever before.

        Simply standing on the death eater side made me feel horrible.

        I searched the Hogwarts' crowd, looking through the familiar faces. Laney and Blaise were towards the front of the group. Laney's whole shirt was drenched in blood, she stood close to Blaise. Blaise had a long visible scratch down the left side of his face.

They looked drained.

        Laney's eyes met mine, her stare was hurt. I could feel her pain of seeing us on this side just by her looks.

I felt too numb to handle it.

        I swear, I saw her eyes look down at my arm. I looked down and saw that my left sleeve was ripped, to the point where my entire forearm was exposed.

She's never seen my dark mark before.

        "Silence!" Voldemort commanded, making Ginny shut up. A green spark shot into the sky, getting everyone's attention.

I can't think straight anymore.

This is all some terrible dream.

This isn't happening.

        My father moved to the middle ground between the two sides, smiling still.

        "Stupid girl! Harry Potter is dead... You put your faith in me now."

This has to be fucking fake.

        Voldemort turned to our side of the grounds and put his arms in the air.

       "Harry Potter is dead!"

       I've never seen him so happy before, not like this.

Enzo was behind me, Theo to my left.

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