chapter 36

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September 16, 1997 (friday, continued)

        My jaw dropped.

        He wants us to kill our headmaster?

        "Draco fixed the vanishing cabinet last school year to allow passage between Borgin and Burkes and Hogwarts. I heard that Theo Nott and Draco tested it as well."

        How does he even know about that? Draco's been helping Voldemort for a long time now. That's why he was so stressed and busy last year.

        "Also, Rylin, I know about you and Theo's relationship. I've known since he arrived here."

       My breath hitched in my throat. He's known. This whole time, he's known. This whole thing is insane.

We can't kill Dumbledore.

        "You guys are not to tell a soul, dead or alive. Not family, friends, anyone." Voldemort commanded, Nagini slithering around our feet. That snake creeps me out.

        "Why do we have to do it? Why can't you make some other person?" Mattheo questioned, the snake going over his foot.

        "Because you're my children. I expect it from you."

I can't wrap my head around this at all.

        "We can't just kill Dumbledore. We're not strong enough for that."

        We all know we're easily strong enough. And it would be a guarantee with both of us there. I just want an excuse for this.

        "You will do it, or you'll die as well." My heart dropped.

He'll kill us.

His own children.

        Why does he want Dumbledore dead? That won't help catch Potter. It's our lives or our headmaster's.

        If it was just between me and Dumbledore, it'd be a harder choice. But it's Mattheo and I, I can't have us both killed.

        "When do we do it?" Mattheo asked, scanning my face to make sure we reached the same decision. Twin telepathy is real sometimes. Rarely, but sometimes.

        Voldemort's lips curled and he let out a dry laugh. "It is to happen in 20 days. Some other death eaters will come in through the cabinet at 9 pm exactly. They will assist you if needed and prompt action."

        So they'll threaten to kill us if we need prompting on doing it.

How fun.

        As much as I hate to admit it, I'm scared. This is a huge thing for us both. It's more serious than any of the attacks we've been a part of. I've never had to actually kill anyone.

        "May we be excused now?" I asked, stepping towards the door.

        "One more thing." Voldemort said, pulling his wand from his black cloak folds.

My eyes widened, is he going to hex us?

        Please tell me he's not going to kill us now instead.

        He waved the wand in the air and mumbled a spell I didn't recognize. It was in Parseltongue. Yes, I understand Parseltongue too, but that doesn't help. It makes more sense after meeting him how my brothers and I can speak it.

        My throat was tightening suddenly, my chest collapsing.

I couldn't breath.

What is he doing to me?

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