The Thing About Soulmates

Start from the beginning

"Lilly he killed her, he murdered her and then left her there all alone. He didn't care and you can say that he didn't know then which is true but that doesn't excuse him, he's still dangerous and you shouldn't be around him please. If you listen to anything I say anymore just forget him please"

"So you're telling me the man that made me whole again, the only person to ever make me feel like a human being after so long of just living, who made my life worth everything I had been through for so long single handedly ruined a majority of my life. That he was the reason I needed to be saved, to be brought back from those months of feeling nothing, I felt like I died along with her, it was all because of him?" Lilly ranted as she walked back and forth with her hands on her head.

"Lilly I'm so sorry but I needed to tell you before you maybe started to rekindle that flame, after tonight I didn't know what to think about you two. I figured that maybe you might see him again and later on down the line everything would be fine again"

"Did he know?" Lilly whispered in pain as she sat down on the bottom step.

"What?" Nat stuttered.

"Did he know who she was to me?" She asked again looking up at her friends through her wet eyelashes.

"Yes, he read the file and knew who she was by the name. That's the reason he left you, he couldn't live with the fact that he ruined your life then and now"

"No, I don't believe you"

"Lilly please I'm being honest with you, he did this to you. He destroyed you, you can't let him do it again"

"This is all so easy for you isn't it? You get to live in your beautiful home with the man you love while all I got from this shitty life was pain and loss. I don't blame you for not telling me because you know what a shit show this whole thing is, you know what I've seen and yet you still bring me pain. And you say you care about me"

"I do care, I'm here telling you all this now. I don't want him to hurt you again" Nat pleaded as she cried.

"At least he hurt me the most when he was just a stranger, you hurt me even after all the years we spent together. You hurt me a thousand times more than he ever could and that's because you know me, you know how I react and I'll never forgive you for keeping this from me for so long" Lilly sobbed as she just stood up, walking past the two red heads and out the front door again.

She stood there.

In the crisp air of the night.

The breeze drying her tears faster than they were coming out.

What could she possibly do now.

She just wanted to run and hide.

Even after all she just heard there was only in place she wanted to hide.

But how could she get to him without her friends knowing.

She knew this was all pathetic.

Who runs to the man that killed their mother?

But Lilly only knew him as the man who always made her feel safe, and right now she needed that

She needed it desperately.

Pulling out her phone she called the number she had spent countless nights ringing, alone in her room at night just hoping to hear a breath, a single word, a whisper of hate, even a confession of love but each time all she heard was nothing.

After two rings she finally got what she had spent months trying to achieve.

A voice on the other end.

"Sweetheart?" James mumbled, he didn't know why he even answered. Curiosity maybe.

All he heard were the sound of her sobs and he knew why but what he didn't know is why she would even give him the chance to hear her cries.

He knew he was a monster.

He had accepted that almost a decade ago.

"I need you please" Lilly broke down as she sat on the dewy grass outside, the drops soaking into the pink satin fabric of her dress.

"I wish I knew where you were, but baby I don't. I can't help you unless you tell me where you are"

"Im in some chateau a bit away from the city, please just get here I want to leave. I can't stay here anymore not with them I just- I need to get out. James I need to feel something again anything, I don't care if it's love or anger I just need you to make me feel again" Lilly spoke sadly as she just lay down on the grass, letting the world take her as she was.


But that's the thing about soulmates,

Sometimes they may argue, break up, never even find each other or even blatantly ignore everything everyone around them says but you know that somewhere out there is that perfectly imperfect person made just for you. They may be a friend for life, a lover, a family member, a pet or even someone who can do so much wrong in the world.

A soulmate is someone you were meant to find and everyone deserves the chance to find that person.


And it's safe to say that these two are definitely soulmates in every single way that counts.

"It's ok, I'll find you. Please doll just don't move, wait for me please" James smiled as he took off to his car like a mad man. A mad man who was going to drive around the French countryside in the dark looking for his soulmate.

           𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼

                     𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓯 𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓽


Yes I know, long time so see.
Trust me I thought a lot about not finishing this but idk we will see where this goes. I hope I don't leave this story sitting here for ages again but who knows I get very lazy very fast :)

Anyways I appreciate all the comments I've been getting from my original readers thank you, I've also been getting comments from some newer readers so hi all x

I hope you're still around here somewhere, maybe you've forgotten about me by now. I know I probably would've.

I've really fallen outta the Wattpad loop recently, I've got so many ideas for my story, I've fallen badly behind on stories I read all the time. I suck I can't like ;)

But I'm back hopefully for a while anyways.

I love you all <3

~ writer x

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