The Thing About Soulmates

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Lilly sat across from her childhood friend who had guilt plastered all over her face, twiddling her thumbs with the rising anxiety she felt. Natasha made it her mission to avoid Lilly's eyes at all costs in fear of how she might burst out in tears begging for forgiveness before she even told her friend what she needs to forgive.

"Nat please what's wrong, we've been sitting here for like ten minutes" Lilly groaned as she threw her head back in frustration, eyes locking with Wanda for a second.

"I've had something to confess for a good while now and I didn't tell you because I knew after I said it you would never treat me the same way ever again" Nat spoke with a dead face, just staring at her lap.

"It's about James and his past" Lilly's ears rang like a fire alarm in a desolate warehouse as her head started to spin slightly. All she could hear was her head screaming at her to stop listen, that she didn't want to know anymore about this.

"Natasha please don't" she sighed shaking her head in disbelief that this was actually what they were discussing right now.

"But Lilly this isn't something you can just ignore I need to tell you" Nat huffed out, confused as to why her friend just didn't want to hear about James anymore.

"No, I won't listen to anymore you have to say about him. How do I know that what you want to say is even true? You've already ruined our relationship , you ruined me and James. What satisfaction do you get from screwing with my head?" Lilly snarled as she exited the car, leaving the door open as she stormed inside the old stone chateau.

Left there dumbfounded in the SUV Nat pulled herself out of the car before coming to her senses.

Oh Now she was angry.

"Did she just shut me up?" Nat laughed as she looked at Wanda who looked incredibly uncomfortable with this whole situation.

No one spoke to her that way, not a single person.

Nat saw red, she was livid.

This was getting personal.

Everything they would say to each other from now on was going to be personal and it would cut deeper than a knife.

"Lillian" Nat screeched as she walked as fast as her heels would allow her, the only sounds that could be heard was the clicking of heels on the hardwood floor and the occasional pleading words from Wanda trying to stop her from whatever scene was about to unfold.

"No you are going to listen to what I have to say and then you can treat me like the piece of shit you must think I am if that's the way you think you can treat me" Nat preached as she grabbed Lilly by the wrist to stop her walking further towards the first step of the stairs.

"I found out what happened to your mother all those years ago and I know, I know this will hurt you so badly but I couldn't keep living my life knowing that I knew something so important about you that you didn't. She didn't just die in a car accident she was murdered, he murdered her in cold blood" Lilly stood completely still, tears threatening to leave her eyes as she watched words leave her friends lips.

"You know about his past, who he worked for, the work that he did but this particular decision that he made effected you and your whole life. I read that file that hydra had stored away from that day, she got caught in the crossfire of a drug feud as old as time. He killed the driver of the car that was in front of her, when the driver died there was a collision and your mothers car swung out off the road into the bunch of trees. The car buckled under the pressure and she had severe injuries especially to her brain but nothing that a call to emergency services couldn't fix. Your mother would still be here today of he hadn't left her there to die but the file never said whether he left her there or finished her off himself" Nat confessed as calmly as one possibly could.

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