✍ Round 2 [One-Shot Elimination]

Start from the beginning

Book: The Reason Untold
By: Je0n_Ny

Judge: Dragon_Kitara

Title: 3/5 

Didn’t fully fit your theme. A better name could have been chosen

Cover : 5/10 

Make it more eye catching. Your font is messing up your cover, I suggest you change it

Description: 7/10 

Needs to be more creative and intriguing 

First impression: 5/10 

Wasn’t very intriguing as it felt like I was reading a text message not a book. You lacking in creative in this book

Writing style : 5/10 

Your short form and dialogue writing is off putting. I don’t mean to discourage the author but I have read your other work which is much better than this. Take out the dialogue writing and be more descriptive. It will boost this book up a lot 

Characters action and decisions: 6/10 

Some parts didn’t make sense to me, while others were confusing. Be more detailed with their actions and emotions

Plot: 15/20 

A common plot outline but there is some originality in it. Write in full words and take the dialogue writing out. Be more descriptive and creative. Add more plot twists and be more descriptive with them. You need to make your characters more realistic and add much more emotions to them  

Explanation: 3/5 

You need to explains the scenes much more in details. You are lacking in descriptive writing

Sense: 7/10 

Some parts were confusing which had me reading over it for a few times

Spelling, grammar and vocabulary: 6/10 

You have typos and a few grammar errors. You can work on your vocabulary as well

Total : 62/100

I don’t mean to be harsh and discouraging to the author. Like I said I have read your other work and I know you can make this book into a masterpiece  

Judge: StarV07

Title: Should be some other impressive title. 2/5

Cover: Good. 7/10

Description: It should be elaborated but the proverb narrates a lot about the story. 8/10

First impression: Hidden start, nice objective. 10/10

Writing style: Best part. This highlights the ups and downs of the story well developed. 10/10

Characters actions and Decisions : Properly showcased in a logical manner. 8/10

Plot : Impressive plot in a proper expressive manner. 18/20

Explanation: Well explain that's all I can say. 5/5

Sense: Logical, sensible, heart touching. 8/10

Grammer, Spelling & Vocabs: Minor spelling mistake rest all well done. 9/10

Total: 85 /100

Total: 85+62= 162
Average: 73.5
No bonus because you are not following your judges
Grand Total: 73.5

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