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I then cursed silently as I recognized the voice that spoke.

Oikawa then went to the counter and took out his wallet to pay for the food. Once he handed the food, the cashier then gave the change to him.

I turned around to see the one person I never wanted to see again.


I ignored him and walked in speed out the store.

"Hey- Wait!"

I tried to walk away but I couldn't as he insisted by grabbing my shoulder.

"You... You forgot.. Your book.."

He was out of breath from chasing me all the way from here.

As he gave me my book I felt embarrassed and irresponsible for not keeping my book in my bag.

"Thank.. Thanks."

"Hey.." Oikawa said with an apologetic tone as I kept my gaze on the floor. "You dropped your book while running. That's why I had to chase you."

I then turn my head towards him to see the book in his hands. I took the book from his hands quickly and hugged it towards my body.

"Thanks." I said quietly and pressed my lips into a line.

'Shit what do I say next? This is so embarrassing..' I thought as I felt my face burning. I then heard Oikawa chuckle as I saw him smirking.

'Why are you staring at me. I will skin you alive and put cyanide inside your flesh taking a bone out of your leg one by one'

Oikawa then looked away, clearly feeling frightened by my gaze.

"Hah.." He said under his breath quietly, not knowing what to say next.

💩 Oikawa 💩 😜 POV 🤫


I was putting my shirt, water bottle, and other volleyball items inside my bag as I just finished practice. After a while, I then hear the classroom door open. I then look at the door to see the new student, Y/n.

I still feel defeated about the insult. I mean, I can score every girl I want but why not her?

I then had a thought that maybe she was just shy.

After I finished packing, I saw her doing the same.

'Maybe I should ask for her number.' I thought as I picked up my bag and walked to her and put my hand on her shoulder.


But before I could even finish, she started dashing out of the classroom away from me. I heard something drop.

I looked down and saw a purple book. I then picked it up and went out of the classroom and started chasing her.

"Hey you forgot your book!"


"And thanks for paying my stuff back there. I don't know how to thank you."

He gave me a warm smile.

"Heh, It's no biggie. Though if you want to make it up for me, then will you do this one request for me?"

I hummed as I was putting my stuff in my bag and eating my chips.

"How about you give me your number?"

He gave me an innocent smile while I thought nothing of it. I mean I think he just wants to be friends with me.

"Ah. Yes of course. Here."

I gave him my number as he put my number in his contacts.

"Heh thanks I'll text you when I can."

"Of course no problem."

"Well I gotta go now see you later."

I waved goodbye as I was relieved the conversation was over.

I was so relieved that he didn't mention the insult I gave him earlier. Maybe I should apologize.

I randomly walked to God knows where trying to find my way back home.

I noticed that it was getting a bit late as it was evening. I checked my phone to see what time it is.

I realized it was 6 PM and I still don't know where my house was.

10 minutes have passed and still nothing. I sat on the ground in front of a store just waiting for something random to happen.

I saw a stray cat brushing past my knee.

It was a Calico cat.

It kept purring and meowing at me then sat down staring at me.

I knew it wanted food but chips are the only thing I have. I know I can't give the cat chips because I know that any salty foods can cause death to it.

"Sorry, can't give any to you."

It still stayed and sat beside me.

It was copying my pose. I think it's starting to like me.

I started petting it. It purred and hopped on my lap. It reminds me of the old cat I used to have back in my world.

It decided to sleep in my lap. I really wanted to keep this cat but I know that I couldn't. I don't even think my mom in this world would even allow it too.

I checked my phone to see that 16 minutes have passed by and I still don't know where my home was. I started to kinda give up pondering where my house was and just stay here.

Though, as I had that thought I heard someone far away calling out to someone.

They kept yelling and yelling until I heard the name they were calling out for.


I looked at where the voice was until I saw that it was the invisible ghost girl.

As she was finally beside me she kept blabbering about how she waited outside the school until she realized that I wasn't there and now ran towards my location.

"I was looking all over for you! I told you to wait outside the school!"

"Oh. Oops."

She went completely silent at my reply. Her forehead shadowed like the animes I watched. Kinda cool.

She sighed trying to keep her calm.

"Let's just go."

"I don't know where my home is"

She deadpanned.

"Follow me I'll show ya where to go."


I bent down to the cat and pat its head.

"I'll miss you" I smiled and finally followed where the invisible girl went.


1028 words

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