Chapter Six

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Once at Emma's she made her way inside.

'You all right?' Emma asked, realising something was wrong.

'Since you asked, no, I'm not all right. I think Darren is seeing someone else.'

What makes you say that, Carrie?'

'Well, this afternoon, I knew that he was working in the office doing a bit of overtime, so I rang him, but he didn't answer. A woman answered. He said it was Carol. Emma, I'm not that daft. I know Carol's voice and it wasn't her.'

'Who's do you think it was then?'

'I dunno. You don't think he is married, do you?'

'Oh, Carrie, if he was, he has been keeping it a secret. He's never had a ring on his finger since I've been there.'

'I'll tackle him over it tomorrow.'

'Be careful. He may be totally innocent.'

The two girls went up to Emma's bedroom, and the main topic of conversation, was Emma's surprise date with Simon at the cinema.

'Come on, Carrie, out with the truth. How did you know me, and Simon had gone to the cinema?'

'It's simple. Tesco is next door and Darren dropped me off to get a few things for my mum, and who happened to be making their way into the cinema? You and Simon.'

'Oh, Carrie, he is so sweet. He's taking me out again next Saturday.'

'Where's he taking you?'

'Dunno, I didn't ask. I told him to leave it as a surprise.'

'Don't want to worry you, Emma, but Simon is heavily into trainspotting. His idea of fun, is waiting on platform three at the local station, hoping for big locomotives to come in. Saturday is his favourite day for going.'

'That's where you are wrong. He usually helps his dad on the market stall, and for you information, the railway station only has two platforms!'

The time came for Carrie to make her way home. For once, Emma's brother was sober. Miracles did happen from time to time, so he gave her a lift and she didn't have to wait for the last bus, or phone her mum to come to fetch her.

When Carrie got home, she made her way up the stairs to bed. The place was in darkness, so she guessed that her mum and dad had already gone to bed.

But once in bed she had trouble sleeping. All that kept going through her mind was Darren and who had answered the phone when she had rang the office. Tomorrow she was going to find out. She wasn't going to take any messing around from him. She was convinced he was seeing somebody else and if he was, that was it. It was over between them. But the hardest part was that if she did finish things with him, she would still have to run into him at work. Maybe she should try and get herself another job, but she had trouble finding that one, and if she hadn't had run into Emma that day she wouldn't have even got that.

Next morning Carrie got out of bed. It was Monday morning and this particular morning, she was dreading. And once she got into work she was going to confront Darren, even if he ended up firing her, but she cared little if he did. It would be better than being stuck in a factory office with someone who had cheated on her.

Once she was off the bus and heading towards the factory gates she bumped into Emma.

'You all right, girl?' Emma asked, knowing what Carrie was going to do once she had got into the office.

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