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No one's p.o.v

Once he was in reach she grabbed his wrist and set it right back where her heart is saying "go ahead, hit me with your best shot." Cat was trembling at this, but Ladybug hard swallowed "you know you won't move any closer, Kitty." He looks over at Ladybug scared, he doesn't want to do this- he's looking at her for her to say what the other plan is. Though Échange narrowed her eyes up at him and grabs his chin with her other hand and made him look at her. "You won't get rid of me that easily.. you're so protective of your real friends, what're you gonna do to me?!" Échange yells out.

"Stop it- STOP IT!!" Cat Noir yells sadly, Ladybug keeps having flashbacks of Cat Blanc as her tears are freely falling. 'Even the tone in his voice is the same!..' Ladybug thinks as she grabs the sides of her head. Échange smirks at this saying "then stop me, you wanna attack me.. or better yet, just try it!!" She brought his hand closer to her. "NO!" Cat yelled as he gently pulled his hand back "why not?!" Échange yells out while glaring up at him. All Cat answered with was "because that's not the truth!" Tears start to spill form his eyes now too.

Ladybug clenched her hands tight as she remembered that this is a serious situation- she can't just let her feelings take over now. "You're right... he wouldn't do it" Ladybug says, Cat Noir looks at her with his tear-filled eyes. He was surprised she'd say something like that- everyone that knew what his Cataclysm is was surprised she said this. Échange nods saying "now we're talking, calm this little kitty down before you see who he really is, sweetheart." Ladybug hard swallowed before saying "we're not doing that though, 'sweetheart'" that confused Échange.

Alya, Luka, Nath and Telli's eyes widen as realization hits "NO-" "because I'm finishing this fight!" Ladybug yells as she runs over. She grabs Cat Noir's wrist, his eyes widen as she puts his powered-up hand over Échange's heart. Échange gasps as her eyes widen, she lets out one last breath before falling down, her heart stopped beating. "LOUISA!!" Telli yells as she tries to fight against Échange's powers, her tears spill over as the New York gang realized what happened. They were flabbergasted- Donnie's breath hitched at this and Cat Noir dropped to his knees as he puts his hands over his face.

He feels as if he killed a person... which he kind of did, but Ladybug takes off the ring she had on as she lets her last tear fall. "Sorry, Cat... it had to be done, she wasn't listening and even my Lucky Charm knew I had to make you" Ladybug says out loud. With that she purifies the Akuma "this might bring her back as she's her normal self" then she throws up the ring. "Miraculous Ladybug!!" Everything starts to get fixed- first it was the town that was destroyed by civilians. Then it was what was in the room, the bad guys and footbots disappeared too as they went back to where they were before.

The ladybugs then fix Louisa last as she's laying on the ground out cold, the group is able to move now as Donnie drops to his knees. Leo put his hands over his mouth as Raph couldn't move, Mikey's tears are also just overflowing. Cat picks up Louisa saying "are you okay?!" He was worried for if the ladybugs didn't work on her fully. His Miraculous starts to do a warning beep, so Ladybug set her hand on his shoulder. "Cat, you're gonna detransform-" "I DON'T CARE!.. I want to know that she's okay" Cat interrupted her.

Casey didn't really know the girl, but he just walks over and kneels down by Cat saying "hey, it'll be okay" Cat looks up at him as his tears fall. Casey then adds "we'll keep her safe, she's okay now... go" 'hero situation where the hero's identity could get blown. Man, this is like Arachnid-man!' Casey thinks to himself which made Cat hesitantly hand Louisa to him. He picks her up and Cat runs out, Ladybug breathes in and out while looking at everyone. "We didn't really know if she'd come back... so since she's breathing, everything must be okay; don't worry."

New York gang were shocked to hear that before she starts to walk towards the doorway "bug out!" She says and swings away. Nath runs over as he looks at her, but Alya walks over to him and Luka "come on, guys. We should go check on if everyone back at the house is still okay... people were going crazy from this." Luka gently nods, he knew she was just trying to get them distracted, but they had to pull Nath out. Donnie finally got back to his senses as he runs over to Casey and grabs Louisa from him.

"We have to get her back to the lab!!" Donnie yells as he starts to run out, so the group share a look before running after Donnie. Back with the Paris gang at the mansion- Cat Noir just jumped into his room before looking around. There's no one in there before he breathes in and out "Plagg, Claws In" he says as he tries to calm down. That's when he detransformed and Plagg comes out while looking a bit tired "so?~.. how'd it go?" He asked. Adrien just sat down on his bed, Plagg looks at him confused before getting some camembert.

Ladybug just got back to her room too before sighing and detransforming too "Tikki, Spots Off" Tikki comes out and Marinette caught her. She grabs out a macaroon from her purse before holding it out for Tikki to eat. Tikki smiles as she eats the macaroon slowly, Marinette softly smiles down at her. The Kwami just smiles up at her holder saying "Marinette, tell me all about today's win." Marinette's smile fell before she sat down on her bed saying "we barely won this one, Tikki."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


Miraculous Ladybug & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now