Final Battle pt.)1

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Starring at the boy that stood across from me I smirked. "We've been threw a lot right Naruto?" I questioned. He nodded then gave me a wide smile, "From the academy, to our missions and chunin exams. Man we had a blast but we knew it'd come to you and me."
"Right." I replide, "I'm going to win and change this world." I growled while chakra began swirling menacingly around me. Naruto's smile never faltered, "I've been wanting to fight you and once we're threw here we'll free the tailed beast and finish this war. Together we will change the shinobi world and if I've gotta knock some sense into you then I will." he said cracking his knuckles.

Naruto created multiple shadow clones and charged at me but with my right eye sharigan and my left rinnegan he knew he couldn't defeat me. I dodged a few of them the kicked another and sliced threw others causing them all to disappear, charging threw the smoke he thrusted a rasengan at me. It blew me backwards, making some handsigns I blew fireballs down at him causing his clones to blow up, he skidded away. Activating my susano I fired an arrow at him, he began to glow yellow. Blocking the arrow I jumped and charged directly at him full force, jumping backwards out of the way of my attack he smiled then began to breath hard, "You used to much chakra Naruto." I said. He frowned then closed his eyes, suprisingly he got back to his feet and looked at me, "Not yet."

"This should be fun." I said. The susano erupted around me, this time it felt stronger then ever. A glowing yellow aura in the shape of a giant fox appeared around Naruto. "Rahh!!!" he yelled. "Gah!!!!!!" we launched toward each other at extreme speed ready to hit each other with everything we could muster. The punch looked similar to that of a fist bump. Electricity arched threw the air, a huge gust of wind blew everything back. Then just like the two times before everything went bright white. Then there he stood across from me again with that same stupid smile on his face. "Why smile Naruto?" I asked. He laughed, "Because I've always wanted to fight you and now I can go all out but you remember what I said before..." I did, when we fought before below the samurai bridge he told me straight to my face that when the time came he'd fight me. "We both know how it'll end. With both of us dead." he said.

"I won't be the one dying here Naruto. You won't be able to stop me either, this world needs to be purified and I'll start that by getting rid of the tailed beast." I said but we both knew my words were hollow. I pictured Itachi by my side giving me a sympathetic look. He wouldn't want me to do that, but there was to much hatred, despair and evil in this world that only I could clean. "Sasuke don't you see no matter how much you try to push us away we will both be there. Sakura loves you and you love her. Your my rival but more important your my brother, you don't have to do anything alone from this moment on we together can stop all the hate, fear, and pain the ninja world has succumb to. We can stop people like Madara and Kaguya from ever existing." His words sounded so hopeful that for a second I almost believed we could achieve this but then I remembered what Danzo and everyone has ever done to my clan.

"Itachi, Pervey sage, Obito, They all died to make the world a better place. We can carry on their dreams threw us into making a new world." He said.
Shaking my head we both were blasted backwards. "This world can never know true peace Naruto. There will always be evil in the world. Nothing we do will ever change that." I said while landing on the head of the Madara statue, how's that for irony. Naruto stared up at me then sighed, the yellow burst of Chakra surrounded him. Dark purple Chakra erupted around me, again my susano had grown stronger and changed. I felt a burst of Chakra from my left eye then it hit me I had just unlocked my Sharinnigan. "This will be the last attack. No holding back." I muttered to myself. Black lightning began to chirp from my susano's left hand, Naruto created a large glowing kyubi rasengan in his large yellow glowing aura ninetails. Time slowed, our eyes met one last time, then we attacked.

To be cont....

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