Team 7 Once Again

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Sakura was obviously starting to grow tired and I consistently watched her movements to make sure she wouldn't get hurt, if she knew I was doing so she'd probably hit me but I couldn't help it. I loved her, "Sasuke heads up!" Kakashi yelled causing me to turn, a large fireball was sailing right for me. Make my handsigns I jumped, "Summoning Jutsu!" I said out loud. A large hawk flew me upwards and out of the way of the fireball, Naruto charged at Kaguya who approached us at full speed. He started trying to hit her with all his might but he just couldn't, taking advantage of his distraction I flew toward her. Making the right handsigns I yelled. "Naruto move!!" he glanced back then smiled, "Shadow clone Jutsu!" shadow clones of himself appeared and wrapped around Kaguya holding her in place for my strike.

"Fire style: Phoenix Jutsu!" the hawk I stood on caught fire and let out a loud regale call then sailed at full speed at the supposed immortal, forcing the susano around my self I jumped off the hawk's back as it was inches from hitting her, "Inferno arrow!" I shot a black fire arrow right at her, together both attacks smashed into her with a loud explosion. I landed with ease next to Sakura who smiled at me. "Nice hit Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. "You insolent children!" came a roar from the smoke, a bright red flash blinded us then I was blown backwards. From my left I could hear Naruto yell in anger and jump to his feet. Sakura helped me stand, she looked banged up as I'm sure I did to. Naruto yelled and landed with a huge crash threw the ground. "Tch we're getting no where." I grunted.


Sasuke was obviously getting frustrated and who could blame him. He was growing tired and even tho he wouldn't show it so was Naruto, we had to think of something quickly. "I guess I'll have to teach you the hard way!" Kaguya yelled then made hand signs, a beam of pure blue chakra shot out of the palm of her hand toward us at first until Sasuke and I dodged it only to have her smile, that's when I realized it wasn't ment for us. "KAKASHI-SENSIE!" I screamed. He had no time to dodge, at the last minute he tried to activate his susano but it didn't work. Where he stood exploded in a bright light, fear gripped my chest. Sasuke tensed at my side and I could hear Naruto let out a loud gasp. That's when I heard it, the loud almost crazy laughter of Kaguya. "I tried to warn you brats. This word is beyond saving, and you children have no chance of stopping me."

Emotions erupted in my gut, anger, sadness, rage. Sasuke took a step forward, Naruto was on his left and I stood on his right. "You guys ready." Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded, "Yeah." I growled. Together all three of us went after the smiling immortal, Naruto appeared behind her and delivered a crushing blow that caused her to fall to our level, Sasuke took this chance to deliver quick and deadly strikes with his sword but as fast as he slashed she seemed to heal until I jumped up and delivered a huge leg drop which drove her into the earth, a crater erupted around her as I used all my strength.

Skidding backwards I started to breath harder, my chakra was low. Sasuke and Naruto stood on either side of the crater she was now buried in waiting for her to appear again. No one expected what followed.


I hated waiting but everyone was counting on us. The ground began to tremble, glancing over at Sasuke I started to tell him to move but it was to late. A huge explosion of chakra blew us all backwards, thankfully I was able to catch my footing. Out of the crater Kaguya stood, she had scratches and blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. Shaking her head she smirked, "I'll acknowledge the fact that you three are strong. But this ends now." Her hand raised palm toward me, her other hand did the same to Sasuke. All the sudden I couldn't move, Sasuke seemed to be struggling to. Her palm lit up with red light, Sakura came running at Kaguya with her fist raised but as she neared the immortal Kayuga easily dodged and kicked Sakura hard causing her to crash into the ground.

The light grew brighter and brighter. Then I was hit right in the stomach and blown backwards and even then I was blown up. Once the dust settled I coughed, if it wasn't for the tailed beast powers I'd probably be dead right now but what about Sasuke? I thought. Standing I winced at the pain that shot threw my ribs, "I've gotta admit your the toughest opponent I've ever had to face." I said with a huge smile on my face. Kaguya seemed to study me, "I agree. It'll bring great pleasure once we take you down." Sasuke said from the other side of her.

"You two are impossible. Just die!" she yelled thrusting her hands toward Sasuke and I again. "How about you die!" I wasn't sure who was more surprised, Sasuke, Kaguya or me to see Sakura appear right in front of the power house that was the immortal. Sakura let out a loud yell then with all the strength she could muster she hit Kaguta with a huge uppercut sending the women upwards. Falling to her knees Sakura said one last thing, "Go guys!!"


It amazed me at how much these three kids had been able to withstand. I had just blasted both Naruto and Sasuke with everything I had and still some how they were back to their feet. And then there was the third member of their squad, Sakura. I hadn't even expected her to be able to move after that kick I delivered yet here she was, hitting me upwards with so much more strength then she should had had. I seemed to float in the air for an eternity, "Go guys!!" I heard Sakura yell. 'Their planning on sealing you away mother. I can't let that happen!' my ever faithful son said while extracting himself from my sleeve. Silently I hoped he'd be able to stop them, I was tired from fighting and in the position I'm in now there would be no stopping them from sealing me away.

To be cont....

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