what they do when your sick

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mike- he tries to be your personal servant 

will- is very worried about you even though you say your fine 

lucas- skips school to spend time with u

dustin- rents a few movies to help you get better

steve- brings home some ice cream 

johnathon- he makes you some soup and constantly asks if your alright

billy- makes sure you're ok throughout the day

eleven- always asks questions about how you are feeling

max- she heads to your house with music and movies

nancy- gives you a little school lesson that night from what you missed that day

robin- sneaks home ice cream for you

henry/peter- is busy, but still checks on you throughout the day to make sure you're alright

eddie- postpones hellfire for you <3

chrissy- stays home with you all day

fred- brings home extra books for you

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