past revealed...

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♡My pov♡
"Well, the first couple of years were great because I was pretty young" I said with a smile. I could remember the praise I would get off the teachers but then I would also remember what actually happened. "Then I hit the age of 17 and it all changed. You had to fit in or you'd be the outcast, the weirdo, the freak. I had never been good at fitting in, ever" I said laughing at the thought of me even trying.

"However I tried really bad. I would wear the most girliest clothes and talk about boys, music, fashion" I said shuddering. "There was this one girl who didn't care about that though and unfortunately she was the popular girl of the school" I said sighing looking down. "Yasmin you don't have to" Steve said. I put my hand up signalling for him to shut up. "After a while I just kind of gave up. I wore the clothes I wanted to wear, I'd style my hair the way I wanted. Wear the makeup I wanted" I said sighing again.

"I'd listen to rock, heavy metal stuff like that but I'd always stick to being the good girl of the school for my parents" I said shaking my head. "I'd get called freak, weirdo and even be called out for being sent so far away" I said frowning a little. "She would say things like your family doesn't love you that's why you were sent here. You will graduate and no one will be there" I said starting to feel my heart thump harder. "3 weeks before I announced to Steve I was coming to Hawkins, I just had enough and confronted her about it" I said starting to get a little wound up.

"She just laughed at me and I couldn't take it. I grabbed a really heavy book and hit her round the head with it. She was knocked out but her face was heavily bleeding and so was her head" I explained thinking back to what happened in my mind. "The teachers ruled it as the force of the book hitting her. She had to go to hospital and well my parents were sent a letter" I said remembering my parents voices.

"They were disgusted really angry with me. Said I was a waste of money and said that Steve will deal with me when I get back to Hawkins" I said shaking my head sadly. Eddie looked at me his eyes going wide. "And well here I am. My parents refuse to talk to me, last time I spoke to my mother was before Steve arrived and she told me that I was a crazy woman and needed to be locked up" I said getting angry. Steve held onto me, "So no Steve our parents do hate me!" I said angrily.

"Wow, I would of never thought you'd be even capable of doing that. You are so nice and happy" Dustin said surprised. "She has her anger, what you seen in school with Liam wasn't even half of it" Steve explained. I rolled my eyes, "right let's stop talking about this shall we?" Robin said noticing how I was getting annoyed even more by the second. "Uh yeah sorry" Dustin said awkwardly. "No it's fine. I'm not annoyed with you" I said thinking of my parents.

"Anyway, work Saturday 3 till 6?" Steve asked me. "3 hours?" I asked him rolling my eyes. "It's your first time working, I promise you'll get longer on your second time" Steve said to me putting his hands up. I rolled my eyes and nodded at him. "Look, I think its brilliant that you want to earn money to get your driving lessons, your licence and a car but it'll take ages Yasmin" Steve explained to me sighing.

"Ill speak to them okay and I'll also let them know how you are doing. How brilliant you've been" Steve said getting up. "Uh no!" I said shaking my head. Steve didn't take no for an answer and grabbed his car keys. "Come on Robin, I'll text you later and let you know" Steve said to me as he walked out of the trailer. I looked at the door in disbelief, "Great" I said rolling my eyes and sitting down. "He didn't even notice your hellfire top" Dustin said sadly. Just then the door opened, "oh by the way you joined the nerds I see" Steve said grinning then shut the door. "Nevermind he did" Dustin said laughing.

"Are you coming to school tomorrow?" Dustin asked me awkwardly. "Yeah, I can walk now" I said laughing. "That's not why I'm awkward" Dustin said looking away. Ah..Chrissy. My phone started to ring, I grabbed it confused and saw the name Chrissy. I rolled my eyes and placed it back on the table. Eddie and Dustin looked over then looked at me awkwardly. "You are gonna have to face her you know? Being a cheerleader?" Dustin said pointing out the obvious. "Oh my god really, I hadn't realised" I said sarcastically with a big smile.

"Oh god another one who loves to be sarcastic" Dustin said face palming. "Huh?" I asked him confused. "Max loves to be sarcastic too" Dustin said rolling his eyes. "Well I mean you kind of pointed out the obvious" I said rolling my eyes back at him. My phone started ringing again. "Seriously" I said as I saw Chrissys name pop up on my phone again. "Just answer it" Eddie spoke up. I looked at him funny but grabbed my phone.

I then walked to the door, opened it and stepped outside. Little did I know both of the boys were eavesdropping. "What do you want Chrissy?" I said down the phone. "I've been trying to ring you since I found out you were discharged" Chrissy exclaimed. "Okay, well im alive as you can hear. So if that's everything bye" I said going to hang up. "No wait, I know why you are mad with me. I wouldn't of expected Eddie to keep it from you" Chrissy said sadly.

I rolled my eyes and listened to what her excuses were. "Please say you forgiven Eddie. He was really mad at me for kissing him, he really loves you" Chrissy stated. I could hear her starting to cry. I was angry sure but I hated making people cry after the incident at my old school. "Yes Chrissy I forgave him" I said sighing. "Oh thank god. He's braver than me" Chrissy said awkwardly. "What, oh god you still haven't told Jason have you?" I asked her shaking my head in disbelief. "No I dont want to lose him Yasmin. I love Jason so much" Chrissy said sniffling.

Although I wanted to just shout at her and ask why she betrayed me, I had seen Jason and her together. They were so in love. "Chrissy, you need to tell him otherwise he will be mad at you for not telling him. He doesn't need to find out from someone else!" I said to her seriousness in my voice. I heard a branch snap out in the distance, my focus snapped onto it. Please No. Leave me alone.

I put Chrissy on loud speaker, "Wait you don't mean you do you?" Chrissy said panicking. Eddie opened the door and looked at me shaking his head. I rolled my eyes and walked over to his van sitting on the ground. Eddie refused to leave and sat on the step. "No Please no Yasmin please dont" chrissy begged me down the phone. "I didn't mean me, I meant literally anyone else. It's school word gets around Chrissy" I explained to her. "Please forgive me. Your my best friend, I'm seriously sorry. I'm stupid for doing that" Chrissy begged me. I sighed and looked down at the ground.

"Yasmin please!" Chrissy practically shouted down the phone. "Fine but im not going to lie when I say I'm going to be funny when you are near Eddie" I said sighing. "I won't be anywhere near Eddie unless you are there I mean it" Chrissy said. "Okay but you still need to tell Jason" I said to her changing the subject. "Can you come with me?" Chrissy asked me nervously. Um is she kidding me. I don't want to keep hearing that she kissed my boyfriend.

I sighed frustrated, "Fine fine" I said shaking my head annoyed. "Thankyou, when are you back at school?" Chrissy asked me. "Tomorrow" I answered her. "Uh I guess tomorrow I'll tell him then" Chrissy said gulping slightly. "Yeah okay, well im going to go because I'm tired" I said grabbing my phone. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" Chrissy said. "Yeah" I said hanging up the phone.

I got up off the ground and walked towards Eddie and Dustin. "That's what I mean by you are really nice" Dustin explained to me. I scoffed but nodded anyway. "Get in the van" Eddie said as he unlocked his van. "Taking me home" Dustin explained to me. I nodded and got into the van sighing a little. Eddie noticed but didn't comment on it. Eddie drove Dustin home and then drove back to the trailer.

He opened the door and took his jacket off immediately. "It's pretty hot tonight" Eddie said stretching. "Yeah" I said taking a seat on the sofa. "So are you and Chrissy fine now?" Eddie asked me leaning against the wall. "We aren't the best of friends Eddie, at least not at the moment" I said rolling my eyes. Eddie sighed, "I hope you both can move on from what happened" Eddie said as he walked towards to me. I said nothing just rolled my eyes again. "We have school tomorrow anyway and I now have been roped into being with Chrissy whilst she tells her boyfriend she kissed my boyfriend" I said sighing frustrated.

"Oh uh" Eddie said awkwardly. "Yup I'm going to bed" I said as I stood up. Eddie looked away sadly. "Night" I said as I walked into the bedroom and climbed into the bed. I immediately fell asleep just wanting to forget about today.

♡Eddie's pov♡
She was still angry with me even more so with Chrissy. I understood that completely but I was afraid she wouldn't move past it. She says I'm the one for her and I said she's the one for me and I was not lying about that. She really is the one for me. But I can tell she's hurt. I think a part of her hates me and it hurts alot.

I have to prove to her I love her... I have to before she realises that she doesn't want to forgive me and leaves me.. I have to.

The "Freak"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora