Date night!!

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♡My pov♡

I arrived at school in Steve's car like usual. This morning I'd practically jumped out of bed making Steve confused as he usually had to drag me out of bed. I smiled as we stepped out of the car, it was quite sunny today in Hawkins. Steve threw over some sunglasses for me as he noticed me squinting. "Thankyou" I said laughing, I put the sunglasses on. Steve locked his car and we walked into the school.

People were whispering about what happened yesterday, apparently Jason had gone off at Liam for disrespecting Chrissys best friend. Me? When did I become Chrissys best friend? Steve had a black eye but he didn't care as he took his sunglasses off and waving to the guys. Eddie stood with Dustin and Mike. "I helped idiot with his eye last night" Robin said laughing. I laughed along and Robin smiled at me. "Someone is in a good mood this morning?" Nancy asked me grinning. "Well it's a sunny day today isn't it" I said taking my sunglasses off smiling wide.

Eddie grinned at me. He knew why I was in such a good mood. "First class?" Nancy asked me. I took my schedule out of my bag and looked. "Oh I have PE?" I said questioning it. "Yasmin!" Chrissy said running over to me. "I've heard rumours that I'm your best friend?" I asked her grinning. Chrissy nodded giving me a hug, I returned the hug. "First period?" Chrissy asked me looking at my schedule. "Oh we don't do PE, we go to the same place but the pe teacher let's us practice our cheer routine" Chrissy explained to me. I nodded, "if you didn't bring your pom poms in we have spare don't worry" Chrissy explained to me smiling.

"I have them right here" I said grabbing them out of my bag and shaking them in the air. Chrissy laughed at my reaction and so did Steve. Chrissy grabbed hers and shook them too. "Go go tigers" She clapped shaking them. I copied her and she giggled. "Right let's get to PE then?" Chrissy asked me smiling. I nodded and took her arm in mine. We walked off to PE.

♡Mikes pov♡
"Wow she's getting popular" Mike exclaimed with a grin. "Everyone loves her" Dustin said smiling. Max walked over to us listening to her favourite song. She pulled her headphones off and looked at us, "who are we talking about?" Max asked us. "Have you still not met my sister Max?" Steve asked Max. Max shook her head a little disappointed. "Harrington!" Jason said running up to us.

"Party at yours Saturday at 9pm right?" Jason asked Steve. Steve nodded, "it's to celebrate her getting into the cheer squad" Steve explained to Jason. "Alcohol?" Patrick asked walking up to us. "Yeah for us but not kids like you" Steve said pointing at me and Dustin. "Yeah count me in!" Jason shouted grinning. "It's a surprise party though so don't let her know" Steve said to Jason and Patrick. They nodded and walked off. "We are in obviously because we helped you" Nancy and Robin said laughing. "Eddie are you in?" Steve asked Eddie. Eddie nodded grinning making Steve jump with joy.

"Anyway let's get to our classes now as its not till tomorrow" Steve explained. Everyone agreed and went their separate ways. "Anyone got PE" Dustin asked. "Yeah I do" Lucas said. "I do too and I was going to skip but I'm not missing Yasmin dancing around" Eddie said grinning already walking to PE. We all grinned at one another and followed Eddie.

♡My pov♡
I entered the PE hall with Chrissy and immediately noticed the nervous girl. "Hey!" I said waving to her. She waved at me smiling. She made it, "You made it then!" I said giggling. She nodded shaking her pom poms. Chrissy lead me to where I would stand in the cheer squad. Charlotte was stood at the side of me and of course Chrissy put me at the side of her. "So, the cheer routine is simple" Chrissy explained to all the newcomers.

On the other side of the hall was the actual people doing PE. I seen Dustin and Mike avoiding dodgeballs. Poor guys. Eddie was protecting them though.

"Charlotte is going to lift you up in the air, you jump in the air and she will catch you on the way down. When you jump in the air shake your pom poms" Chrissy explained to me. I nodded and stood at the side of Chrissy. Chrissy was the head cheerleader so she started. The guys on the other end of the hall were having a break and decided to watch the cheerleaders do their thing.

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