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♡My pov♡
I woke up and yawned then grabbed my phone to check the time. It was 5pm damn we slept in. Wait nope i slept in, where was Eddie? I then noticed texts off of Steve, Robin and Nancy.

Steve: Be home for 7pm please. Not a moment later.
Me: Oh okay, I will be.

No reply from Steve even after waiting for 5 minutes. Nancy and Robins texts were telling me to answer Steve. I yawned and got out of bed. I then threw Eddie's top on again and walked out of the bedroom. "Good evening princess, im surprised you can walk" Eddie said smirking at me. Memories of last night flooded my mind.

*"Say my name princess" Eddie said holding his bed. "E-eddie" I moaned. "Fuck! Who's are you?" Eddie groaned. "Yours, only yours" I moaned back to him*

Eddie was looking at me smirking. "Daydreaming there sweetheart?". I blushed and sat down on the sofa. "Don't worry it's stuck in my mind too" Eddie said smirking and walking over to me. "How could it not be" Eddie smirked even more. "Eddie I've got to be back at home for no later then 7pm" I explained to him. He nodded and smiled at me. "I'm gonna take a shower" I said as I stood up. "Oh yeah last thing we want is Steve smelling you after last night" Eddie chuckled. I blushed and flipped him off, I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower.

I wondered what was wrong with Steve. I got out of the shower wrapping my towel around me and walked out of the bathroom bumping into Eddie. "If you weren't going back home I'd be taking you into my bedroom right now" Eddie said staring at the towel wrapped around my body. "You are so horny it's unreal Munson" I said laughing. Eddie smirked and did the devil face again at me.

I walked into his bedroom and grabbed my bag. I pulled out my cheerleading uniform and laid it on the bed. "Would you like privacy m'lady?" Eddie asked me. I stared at him and just smiled. Eddie looked at me confused. "Even though you know what I definitely look like under this towel you still asked me that" I said smiling at him. Eddie grinned at me, "I love you princess, if you want your privacy to get changed then its granted" Eddie said to me. "No I dont mind if you can control yourself" I said laughing at him.

Eddie left the room after I said that. Clearly can't control himself then. I giggled as I made sure I was dry then slipped my uniform back on. I then tied my hair into a ponytail once that was dry, I found my trainers and slipped them on too. I walked out of his bedroom. "It's 6pm" Eddie explained to me. I nodded and grabbed my bag, Eddie grabbed his van keys and let me leave the trailer first.

*drive skipped*

It was now 6:50pm. "We have arrived at your destination m'lady" Eddie smiled at me. I smiled back at him and kissed his cheek, I then took my seatbelt off and opened the van door. I closed the door and began walking to my house, I stopped midway. Eddie hadn't pulled away yet. I ran back down the path back to his van. I opened the van door and he looked at me confused, "Come on. I don't care what Steve has to say. You are my boyfriend and I love you" I said looking at him. Eddie began to smile at me and stopped the engine pulling the keys out of the ignition.

He opened his van door and walked around his van to me. "I never thought you'd do this yet" Eddie said to me happy. I smiled and took his hand, our fingers intertwining. We walked up my path and I tried my door handle. Hm weird it's locked. I got my keys out and unlocked the door. It was dark, really dark. "Steve?" I asked out into the darkness. Eddie held my hand smiling at me. Why was Eddie smiling at me like that? Like he knew something?

"Hello" I shouted out. The lights switched on, "Surprise!" Everyone shouted at me. Woah! My heart jumped out my chest and I clung to Eddie in fright. Eddie started laughing. The music started and Steve walked over to me. "You two are holding hands?" Steve asked us. I nodded, Steve then clicked. "Oh that's who the other person was" Steve said pretending to be surprised. Wait what.

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