Ch 32-I Remember Now!

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Scarlett: don't play the innocent! When our Fk/n came back last week to our camp after playing outside, our children were in her arms, they had bruises from kicks and I will ask!

Linnae: I it was you

Scarlett: uhh what do you mean

Linnae: first I want to thank you for taking care of my children...and second *glare at Scarlett* I'm going to beat your ass for taking away my mate and children

Linnae immediately rushed Scarlett and used her vines to slam her to the ground, Liliana moved to help Scarlett but she had to defend herself when many blood spears flew at her.

Liliana: tch don't get in my way "red queen"

Carmilla: *smirk* I prefer to go by my name

Liliana: and I don't care about your name

Carmilla: *glare at Liliana* you should know when someone superior talks to you, you should bow so I'll make you bow!

Carmilla flew at Liliana and grabbed her by one of her horns before sending her flying to the ground, away from the others. Ana took out her bow and sent an arrow toward Artoria but she deflected the arrow only to see that Ana was hovering in the air with her wings out.

Ana: *Show Artoria her middle finger* come get me flying lizard

Artoria: *glare at Ana and growl* I'm going to cut off your wings and use them as a fan

Dalia didn't waste any time and she ran to where Jinka was, as soon as she saw her she smiled like crazy and started attacking Jinka.

Dalia: ahahahah finally! you don't know how long I wanted to torture you!

Jinka: *dodge a slash from her sword* how can our sweet Y/n be mated with a psycho like you

Dalia: *smirk sadistically* you shouldn't say to psycho that they are a psycho, they might not like it!

Fubuki kept her eyes on Annie, she wondered why Annie would willingly associate herself with the people using her childhood friend. Suddenly Annie ran at Fubuki and Myu and tried to stab her sword into Fubuki's side but Fubuki caught her sword and slammed Annie to the ground before growling in her face with Myu helping her father to hold her.

Fubuki: stand down Annie!

Annie: *cold* get the fuck off me

Fubuki: why are you with them?! You are Y/n's childhood friend!

Annie: I know who I am and I know who my mate is!

Fubuki: what?! Not you too! Y/n isn't your mate!

Annie: Myu, if you don't get away from this place, don't expect to come out of this fight unharmed!

Myu: no I am here to save my mom!

Fubuki: for the last time Annie stand down or I will be forced to hurt you

Annie: *glare at Fubuki* I've had enough of hearing your useless voice!

After that, Annie did something with her ring and a small spike appeared. Fubuki looked at the spike in confusion wondering what it was supposed to do. She stopped thinking when Annie cut herself on the ring and a huge bolt of thunder hit where Annie and Fubuki were. Fubuki was sent flying away and through many trees before she stopped and looked to where Annie was. She was going to run back and save Annie since she is still Y/n's childhood friend but she was surprised when a giant female form appeared from the smoke, glaring coldly at Myu and Fubuki. Artoria became distracted when she saw Annie in her Titan form and Ana took advantage and fired one of her arrows in her right hand.

Wait...Where is my home ?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora