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~+~ Author's Note ~+~

I love these two but writing about them makes me feel so single lmaoo

Also it's been less than 20 days this time so that's improvement 👏


"Should we wake them?" Finneas says in a hushed voice as he and Maggie stand in the doorway of Billie's room. They both look in at the sleeping pair as they speak.

"But they look so cute and cozy together." Maggie whispers back.

"They're gonna have to wake up eventually. You just finished making breakfast for all of us." Finneas reasons, although he decides not to talk quietly this time, figuring the two girls should wake up sooner than later anyways.

"Shhhh, lower your voice. They can heat it up later if it gets cold."

"Truee, I guess you're right."

They remain there, talking for a bit longer until Billie's eyes gently flutter open, her slumber having been interrupted by their unnecessarily loud whispering. As her eyes begin to adjust to the morning sunlight peaking through the window blinds, a smile tugs at her lips when she takes notice of the familiar pair of warm arms wrapped carefully around her waist.

She looks up and gives both her mom and Finneas an annoyed look as soon as she notices them standing in the doorway. They catch the message rather quickly.

"Breakfast is downstairs when you two are ready." Maggie gently says as she walks out, leaving Finneas behind.

"You guys are so cute. But are you sure you're just friends though? I mean, no disrespect to cuddling with the bros, but you guys look a little extra cozy." Finneas jokes with a goofy, over exaggerated wink before glancing down at Blaire's arms for added emphasis. However, rather than earning an expected laugh from Billie, he gets a death glare in return for his teasing.

"Oh? Message received." He says, yet Billie can't help but notice the smirk that stays on his face as he leaves the room, as if her reaction had told him everything he needed to know about how she felt about Blaire.

Maybe she did have a tiny tiny tinyyyyy crush. Very small though. Yep... Mhmmm.

I mean could he really blame her? How could she not have one? Blaire has been so kind to her regardless of whether she was in headspace or not. It also has become evident that she gives very good cuddles.

With Finneas out of the room, rather than waking Blaire up right away, Billie takes a moment to enjoy the current state of things. She makes herself comfortable again.

For a brief moment, her mind flickers to Tiffany warning Blaire about her "disease" that she was spreading, but Billie attempts, to the best of ability, to push that thought away.

Instead of focusing on the bad memory, she chooses to think about Blaire's words from the other day. She said she would never judge her for anything no matter what. Billie clutches onto those words as a lifeline, because even if the entire world suddenly decided to hate her, Blaire made that promise. It gave Billie a sense of security to know for certain that Blaire is on her side.

That thought alone encourages the small girl to snuggle further into the brunette's chest.

The feeling of having arms wrapped around her body is one that cannot simply be imagined. The only way to truly understand the warmth, comfort, and absolute safety provided by a pair arms is to actually experience it for yourself.

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