Chapter 2

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Ruby thought Beacon would be fun, and for the most part, it was at least until her friend Jaune just vanished one night. Weiss didn't care she was just glad he wouldn't ask her out anymore. Yang and Blake were worried as his scroll was the only thing found and worried someone was abducting students. Pyrrha and the rest of his team were as grief-stricken as she was. After a month of searching, he was declared as MIA and potentially KIA. The moths that followed were almost as hard for her as when her mother passed. Pyrrha fell into a depression that greatly affected her performance in school and combat training. While Nora and Ren withdrew from everyone and barely spoke to anyone. The rest of her team focused fully on the white fang and Torchwick to get their minds off of what had happened. They had learned the Whitefang had moved their operations to a remote location southwest of Vale and after someone tried to attack the CCT tower Ozpin bent the rules and sent the team with Dr.Oobleck to investigate. They found out what they were doing but they were too late to prevent them from causing a breach and letting a hoard of Grimm into Vale. Now in front of her was Jaune in new armor and a shiny new single-edged sword. Was she dead? Was he waiting for her to pass on? He looked like a shining knight coming to save a princess... Her a princess? No way she was a huntress in training... but.

"You ok Crater Face?" Jaune looked at her with concern. "You didn't get hit did you?"

"AH! I... I-m fine j-just fine! So you're back? Where did you go?" Ruby quickly brush some dirt from her skirt.

"That's a very long story. Right now I need you to get your Team away from the hole my... partner is going to seal it and it's going to be... explosive." Jaune smirked. 

"Partner?" Ruby asked.

"Again I'll explain when all this is over. Now get going." Jaune's voice held an air of authority that it hadn't before.

"Aye, aye sir!" Ruby bursts past the Grimm and lands by Yang.

"Yang! They plan to blow the hole to collapse the tunnel we need to move!" Ruby told her sister.

"How do you know that?" Yang asks after she sends an Ursa into the air with a punch.

"Jaune told me." Ruby sees the skepticism in her sisters' eyes.

"He's gone, Rubes. Did you hit your head? HEY, I'M TALKING TO MY SISTER SCREW OFF!" Another Ursa tried to use that chance to attack but had its head crushed by an angry Yang's punch.

"You have to trust me he's not but we have to leave now!" Ruby pleaded. Yang looked conflicted before nodding in agreement.

"I'll trust you for now. You get Weiss and I'll get Blake."


Jaune watched as he guarded the building Louise was on and smiled as he saw Ruby and yang split up and go to their partners. Blake seemed to take little convincing as she and Yang fought a retreating battle away from the blast zone. He wasn't surprised, with Blake's history she probably had to do something similar in the past. Weiss on the other hand reminded him of when he first meant Louise. She seemed to be arguing with Ruby until the silver-eyed girl grabbed her and burst into Petals and landed by Blake and yang. On the other side, the teachers and the corgi had evacuated to a safer area as well.

"I'd say it's time Dear, they're all out of range," Jaune called up to Louise.

"Eoru. Sunu. Firu. Yarunsaksa...Onu. Sunu. Uriu. Ru. Raduo...Beozusu. Yuru. Suwieru. Kano. Oshiera.Jera. Isa. Wunshu. Hagaru. Beokun. Iru...  Explosion!" Louise pointed the spell at the hole and in a split second, a blinding light expanded followed by a deafing boom, once sound returned the sound so sliding rock was heard.

Remnants Familiar of ZeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora