Chapter 1

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The clang of steel echoed through the air as he brought his shield up at the last second and was pushed back by Pyrrha's blow rather than flying from the force like last time. Unfortunately, she was too fast and continued the assault until his arm couldn't take it and his shield fell. He made a wild swing which she parried away knocking his blade away before placing her blade by his throat. For the past few months, Pyrrha had been training Jaune ever since he told her his secret. Cardin had overheard and tried to blackmail Jaune but with some words of wisdom from his friend and fellow leader Ruby he stood his ground and freed himself from Cardin's leash.

"Your getting better Jaune. If you hadn't focused so much on defense you would have seen the openings I gave you." Pyrrha wiped the sweat from her brow as she said that.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better Pyr. If I'm getting better it's because I have the best teacher." Jaune sighed. 'opening? in that flurry of blows no way.'

"I'm not that good, you're just a fast learned. We really should get back to the dorm before Nora pulls one of her stunts again." Pyrrha picked up their weapons while walking to the door.

"Yeah. I'll be right behind you. Just give me a second." Jaune looked up at the moon wishing he could be like his great grandfather. He is blinded by a flash of green and when he looks over he sees a weird green circle in the air.

"Pyr?" He looks at the door and see's his partner wasn't there. 'She must have already gone inside. What is this? Someone's semblance? Is it mine?' 

"~Jaune it's time to wake up~" He felt drawn towards the circle.

"~Jaune if you don't wake up I may do something to you~" He touched it and felt his arm being pulled in.

"You give me no choice Jaune. EXPLOSION!"


Jaune was thrown out of his dream and his bed by a small explosion. He rolled so as not to get too hurt and looked up at the pink-haired girl standing on the other side of the bed. That's right, that night was nearly a year ago. He hated leaving his team like that and he might have despised her at first but now Jaune couldn't help but giggle at his fiance's interesting way of waking him up.

"Jeez, Louise are you trying to kill me?" He joked as he stood up.

"I wouldn't have had to do that if you had just woken up when I asked." Louise pouted.

"Sorry sorry I was..." Jaune smirked. "Having a rather nice dream about you." He said with a suggestive tone.

"P-Pervert!" Louise's face exploded with a deep blush.

"Only for you." Jaune made his way around the bed and drew her in close. "How about we ~spend a bit more time in bed?~"

"~Hmmmm tempting~ unfortunately, we have important things to do today." Louise smiled before giving him a small kiss. "Remember today's the day we go to... what's your world called again Fragment?"

"Close we call it Remnant. I completely forgot that was today. Time just flies by when I'm with you." Jaune kissed her back before letting her go and going to his drawer.

"Sweet words won't save you. Did you even pack?" Louise questioned.

"In fact I did Dear. Have you seen my hoodie?" Jaune asked while pulling out his old jeans.

"In the closet. Are you really going to wear that thing?" Louise asked.

"My sister gave it to me and it kinda goes with my look over there. Too bad, my old armor broke." Jaune sighed before entering the closet.

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