Police - Blonde Moments & Stealing Doritos

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Authors Note - Hi all! I hope you are all well! I wrote this last night but didn't have time to upload it. I have had fun writing my stories that are career stories like this. :)

Main Characters - Murray Wright and Charity-Amelia Middleton

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Main Characters - Murray Wright and Charity-Amelia Middleton

Summary - Charity and Murray deal with young dorito thieves. And, Murray makes fun of his girlfriend's hair colour. 

Word Count - 1378

"You really have blonde moments," Murray says as he shakes his head

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"You really have blonde moments," Murray says as he shakes his head.

Me? Have blonde moments? How rude! I flip him the bird as I drive us around in the car.

"And, what have I done to have a blonde moment?" I ask him.

"You didn't know there was a new costa in the shopping centre. You confess to being a costa addict. I question that" Murray responds.

"I like my coffee, thank you!" I say as we come to the traffic lights. To prove my point, I grab the costa we just grabbed and take a long sip of the coffee.

"Make sure to go when the green light shows," Murray teases. I could hit him. I pop my coffee down.

"I feel I need at least 3 of those to put up with you" I say as I start driving the car again.

"I need a bloody medal for putting up with you" He shoots back.

All of a sudden to the side, I see a lady waving frantically at us. I pull to the side of the road and I open the window. "Can we help?" I ask her.

"Just had two lads come into our shop and steal some coca-cola and about 8 packets of Doritos from our corner shop," The woman says, looking completely out of breath.

"Do you know what direction they went in?" Murray asks her.

"They went towards the park. They were both wearing Parker Graham Secondary School Uniforms. One of them had dark hair and was quite chubby. The other was light blonde, with glasses and a Nike bag" The woman tells us.

"When did they run off?" I ask.

"Five minutes ago. My staff member just told me what happened," the woman says.

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