Story two: Hybrid Arrival

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Jaune flew into the sky now heading to Beacon Academy.

Jaune: 'man I wonder how's my family doing? I bet once they see me mom will smack me even my sisters.'

As he finally landed on the courtyard of Beacon he hears an explosion.  He runs towards it and saw the girl he saw last night arguing with a another girl in white. He waited behind a tree and and saw another girl with a bow talked to the girl in white before the both left the area leaving the girl in red on the floor.

Ruby: Welcome to Beacon.

Feeling bad for the girl he walked up to her and offer her a hand.

Jaune: Hey... need a hand?

Ruby: Yeah thanks.

He helped her and then she finally looked in who saved her.

Ruby: Wait... oh my Oum your the guy from last night!

Jaune: Hehe yeah that's me.

Mini time skip

Jaune: So that's what happen?

Ruby: Yeah I didn't except them to rob the dust store that I was in.

Jaune: I see oh by the way I'm Jaune Arc.

Ruby: Ruby... Ruby Rose.

Jaune: aren't you a bit young to be attending Beacon?

Ruby: Well I've been moved two years ahead.

Jaune: Let me guess Ozpin?

Ruby: Yep... sooooo I got this thing. *transforms her scythe*

Jaune: Whoa nice scythe.

Ruby: It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle.

Jaune: So a gun?

Ruby: Yes Jaune a gun.

Jaune: That's cool.

Ruby: So what you got?

Jaune: Well I'm not really a weapons guy because I usually use my fists but. *pulls out a copy of Goku's power pole* I got this power pole.

Ruby: Ooooo what does it do?

Jaune: Well it doesn't turn into anything but. "Power Pole extended!"

Then his poll extends to an impossible length. This surprised Ruby and got her having stars in her eyes.

Ruby: Woah how did you do that?!

Jaune: Oh this power pole? It's actually a magical pole given to me from my mentor Son Goku. It's actually a copy but acts like the original.

Ruby: Magic?

Jaune: Yeah, I know it's hard to believe but this pole is literally magical.

Ruby: I guess I'll take your word for it. So why did you help me out back there?

Jaune: Well I can't leave a damsel in destress now can I?

Ruby gotten a little red at his comment and his it in her hood.

Ruby: S-s-so where are we going?

Jaune: To be honest I don't know. I was following you.


Yang: Ruby over here! I saved you a spot!

Ruby: Oh hey I gotta go but I'll see you after the ceremony ok! *runs off*

Jaune: Oh ok see ya. Hehe cute kid I wonder who else is here?

As he wonders through the crowd he suddenly gets a call from Bulma from his scouter.

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