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🇯 🇻 🇱 🇾  - 2022

hey lavi, how are you?

i blankly stare at the message i dont know the answer to. its been two weeks since i saw him and the others and i couldnt help but admit i missed them or atleast a part of them.

dami has kept messaging me, i wonder if he knew. i hadnt spoken to any of them since then, it wasnt because i was bussy though. i love them a lot but almost everywhere they went i knew for sure she would be there aswell.

avoiding them all seamed easier then risking to see her again.

hi dami, im doing ok!

accept for the nights i spend crying and wondering what i had done to make vic hate me so much, but he didnt need to know that.

he quickly read the messages and i can see he immedietly starts typing

u sure? we are having a game night at
my place tonight so you can come over if you want? we really miss you xx

game nights have always been our thing, we would order some pizza usually and spend hours hanging out together and gaming.

however i am going to my bestfriends art exhibition today so i cant go, for once i didnt need to think of an excuse.

sorry dami but i cant, im going to chiara her art exhibition tonight but have fun!

i put my phone away without waiting for a reply, its already 5 o'clock and i have to be at the exhibition in about an hour.

i didnt eat dinner yet but im not even hungry, my appetite has gone down these weeks. i wont bother to make dinner, ill just take a shower and head to the exhibition.

i am starting to take on my old habbits again, hating myself to the point of not making food. i dont deserve it.

i took a lot of time showering, i dry my hair dry and realize its already 5:40. i put on one of my favourite short black dresses on and i put a see trough long sleeved shirt underneath it. i pair it off with my black boots.

okay im ready.

it doesnt take long for me to get there, i put on some music and 10 minutes later i arrive at the place. its always fun to go the these art places, they always have small lights up which is cute.

i park my fiat and get inside, i look around me and soon find chiara and her art.

"ciao chia", i say happily as i greet her in a hug, she hugs me back.

"hey, i missed you lav", she responds and i agree, we havent seen each other in a month which is way too long.

she shows me around on some art pieces of her, most of them are on canvas.

"they are stunning chia", i tell her and she smiles and thanks me. as i look around more a guy approaches her, it sounds like he is interested in a piece of hers.

not wanting to desturbe them i walk away a little further to other artists works. i look at a sculpture when i see a familliar face standing next to me.

"oh hey lavilla, i havent seen you in a long time", the brunette, also known as vics ex, says.

i try to keep a smile on my face, i dont want to seem rude.

"oh hey valeria, it has been long. how have you been?", i ask her out of politeness, not that i gave a fuck. she hurt vic multiple times and i still hate her for it.

"better then ever, how are you? i heard you and viccy broke up", she says, its almost as if she enjoys taunting me.

"who told you that?", i ask her, surely we never made a breakup official. we just need time alone thats all, its not as if we cheated on each other and things ended abruptly.

"oh she herself told me actually", she explains, i am confused. since when did they have contact again? i thought vic would never want to talk to her again but it has become unpredictable at this point.

she notices the confussing look on my face and laughs, "she called me over, and we you know.. did some stuff".

the confused frown turns into an angry one, victoria wouldnt just throw our relationship away. it has only been 2 weeks, why would she cheat and especially of all people with her ex.

"ohhh sorry, i can imagine how much it must suck for you to realize your little "girlfriend" cheated on you with me", she qouted, every little word made me more angry then upset right now.

"fuck you", i spit out to her as i am about to leave the conversation, before i can she roughly grabs my hand.

"dont you fucking yell at me", she tells me which makes me furious. i cant think straight now at all, the anger takes over completely and i swing at her.

before i know whats happening were both on the ground, i suddenly freeze and shes way stronger then me.


why cant i hate you - victoria de angelisWhere stories live. Discover now