16. New Year's Eve.

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He's sitting at the dining room table sifting through the team group chat messages when Elena comes downstairs. She's dressed for a night out in a sapphire dress, high heels, her hair tied up, and long sparkly earrings. Dad mentioned something about them going out to celebrate the holiday on a yacht or boat, and for the teens to plan on having the house to themselves for the night. He's not sure what the plans are for him and Willow yet. He's going to ask if she wants to attend Ryder's usual NYE party once she's out of the shower.

"And what do you two have going on tonight?" Elena asks as she searches through her purse for something.

He looks up from his phone. "Actually not really sure yet. I wanted to ask Will about going to a party at Ryder's place. If you're cool with that?"

"Oooh!" She seems to find what she's looking for, which is her wallet. "Yes, yes, yes. I love that idea. Did Will—?"

"Tell me about her crush on Ryder. Yeah." He nods. "I figured it'd be a good chance for them to—"

She makes an excited squeal and claps her hands together. "Ah, Jace, I love it! Look at you being a wing man to both your best friend and your step sister. You are too sweet. I'm so glad you weren't upset over it."

"Nah," He waves his hand. It's much easier for him to lie than it is for Willow, that's for sure. "I'm happy for them. Plus, Ryder's a really good guy." That last sentence is not a lie.

"Wait, I'm a little behind. I swear Will never tells me anything anymore," She rolls her eyes as she pulls up the chair next to him and takes a seat. "So does he know she likes him? Does he like her back? Are they talking to each other? Or texting? Whatever you kids are doing these days."

He realizes the hole he might've just dug himself. He doesn't want to feed this lie any more than he has to. He listens to see if the shower is still going. Maybe if Will comes down in time, she'll save him from this conversation.

"Um, well, you know, I'm not really..." He swallows. "I think it's still a bit of a newer thing. Ryder's not even really talking to me about it yet. Knowing Will, she probably just doesn't want to make something out of nothing if it turns out to be a little crush or fling." 

"That does sound like her," Elena nods. "Alright, well, you've got my permission. I trust you, Jace, which is why I'm not setting a hard curfew tonight. But you gotta promise me you'll look out for her, alright? Kids can just be such little... terrors these days, you know?"

He agrees. Some of the things you see in the school hallways today would blow some peoples minds. She doesn't have to tell him to watch out for her daughter. He already feels protective of Will, and not in the step brother type way that Elena is thinking or expecting. He would never be able to live with himself if something happened to Will. The mere thought of something like that makes his heart ache and he almost has to excuse him just so he can go hold her in his arms upstairs. So when he says his next words and he looks her in the eyes, he's saying it from a position of total love and devotion to this woman's daughter.

"She will always be safe with me." He vows. He might as well be saluting or pledging with his hand over his heart because it's true. As long as he's around, he will never let anything or anyone ever hurt Willow.


Once Willow comes downstairs from the shower, clean face and wet hair, Elena tells her that the two teens are going out to Ryder's party tonight. Jace smiles sheepishly behind his step mother, hoping Will isn't too upset at this news, because he was definitely planning on asking her rather than telling her she was going anywhere. He wanted her to have the choice. And if she decided no, he would've taken her out to dinner and then they could've spent their night here, not worrying about anything else. He hopes to tell Will they can still do that. But before she can say anything, Elena is already rushing her upstairs in search of the perfect outfit. She even tells Jack they'll be arriving late to their own event so she can help get Will ready. This leaves Jack and Jace sitting downstairs in silence. Not uncomfortable nor awkward, but the usual. They simply don't converse a lot, and they certainly don't have the relationship Will and her mom do.

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