"What are you looking for? Or are you looking for personal things about us?" He asked

"I'm looking for Helga's cigarettes."

"You won't find them here. People think I'm dumb even though I know everything."

"So where are they?"

"I put them in Elias's pocket when he was changing. He was the only one who wouldn't know since he's blind."

"Why would you do that to him!? He's your comrade and you're trying to get him killed."

"He's only strategic and helps us makes plans. If something does happen we wouldn't be loosing much." He shrugged

I rushed out of the room heading to the only room I haven't been in, the storage. When I opened the door I seen many canvas's and paints. A man with white hair was sitting on the floor painting.

"Whose there? Hans?"

"Uh no it's me, Nemo."

"Oh, what brings you in here?"

"There might be a pack of cigarettes in your pocket." I sighed

"There was earlier, Yakov must've put them there when I was changing. Oliver seen them and took them."

"What are you painting?"

"What I see."

"How can you tell what color you're using?"

"Is it obvious I'm blind?" He asked

"No! I wouldn't have known if Yakov didn't tell me!" I became flustered

"Calm down I was just joking. Each color has a different feeling to it." He laughed


Finally I can get the bed linen. Helga was going through the items we have. I stood next to the door waiting until she noticed me.

"Are you just going to stand there?" She glared at me

"I didn't want to bother you." I gave the pack of cigarettes to her

She put them in her pocket as she searched for bed linen. Finally she grabbed it and threw it to me. Luckily I caught it in time. Before we could say anything a siren started blaring.

"Nemo we have to hurry." She walked into the hallway

I quickly followed leaving my bed linen on the floor. We stood in a line against the wall. Oliver stood in front of us. Out of the corner of my eye I seen Yakov staring at me.

"We are under attack, Elias is coming up with a plan in the basement." Oliver announced

We all rushed to the basement waiting for orders. Elias looked up around the room and signaled is to get around the table. Suddenly a loud noise occured.

"The enemy has blown up the north wall, other groups have gone to hold them off. Some of us should go to the South wall I bet that's what they just blew up. But I also have a suspicion that they'll blow the west wall as well." He calmly said

"So we should split up." Ruf stretched his arms

"No, everyone should go to the South wall while me, Hans, and Nemo go to the Radio station."

"What if he betrays us? He could be the whole reason they're here." Yakov looked at me suspicious

"Do you think you need to be around him?" Ruf laughed

"I'm the only one that's suspicious of him so maybe." He crossed his arms

"Let him borrow a revolver Yakov." Oliver said

Are you a liar too?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat