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When I got back to Kings Dominion, I decided to skip lunch since I had already missed all of Poison Lab

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When I got back to Kings Dominion, I decided to skip lunch since I had already missed all of Poison Lab.

I hate that class.

Not because of the teacher - Jürgen is one of the greatest poisoner I know - but because my lab partner is Juan.

Juan is Chico's right hand man, he does everything for him. He's like Kai, except Juan gets more involve in Chico's personal life.

I wouldn't be surprised if he knew the two of us hooked up. If he doesn't know, then that's a surprise in itself.

Anyways, I was making my way towards the bathroom, trying to hide my raccoon looking ass from the people that lingered in the hallways.

I hadn't cleaned up the mascara that had leaked when I was crying... I probably should've though.

When I finally reached the girls bathroom, I was met with the sound of someone vomiting. Frowning, I walked towards the stall where the sound was coming from.

"Stai bene, sweetheart?" I questioned while cleaning up my face and hearing Petra throwing up loudly.

What did she eat? Damn.

"Here to make fun of me? Because I really- don't need it." She said as I kneeled down next to her, holding her hair out of her face and rubbing her back.

"Just showing some moral support." I stated while shrugging my shoulders.

She kept emptying the content of her stomach for a few minutes before finally standing up. Petra lightly shoved my arm away from her shoulder, making me frown.

"I thought I was being nice...? Where did it go wrong?" I told Smiley, who was still giving me the silent treatment after I passed out in the mausoleum.

"Your friends are cocksuckers." She mumbled while drinking from a water bottle.

"They're not my friends."

"Really? Chico and you aren't besties, then?" She questioned with an eye roll as I arched an eyebrow.

"Good day, Petra." I told her before walking out of the bathroom with my head held high. I really cannot be bothered right now.

I made my way towards my room, kicking open the door only to find Chico sitting on my bed.

"Kill him." Smiley coldly said as I frowned.

"No. I'm not going to kill him. What's your problem?"

"He's my problem. Ever since you guys became friends it's always been his needs before yours. He doesn't care about you the way you care about him. I know it, you know it, the whole school knows it. You're like his lap dog, always coming back to him. It's pathetic."

Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

I repeated as my heart started thumping against my chest. I could feel the blood rushing in my veins as I maintained eye contact with the Latino boy.

"What do you want, stronzo." I questioned after awhile of awkward silence.

"I want to talk to you, mariposa."

"There's nothing to talk about, Chico. Get out of my room." I told him in a cold and stern voice, causing him to frown.

Did he expect me to be nice when he called me the wrong name? I'm not that forgiving.

"Vanessa, talk to me." He pleaded as I scoffed.

"There's nothing to talk about. It was a mistake and shouldn't have happ-"

"You don't really think that, do you mariposa?" Chico questioned, head hung low as I took a deep breath.

No. I'm not falling for this.

"Get out Chico. Get the fuck out before I cut your head off and send it to your father." I snarled while balling my fist up.

The Latino boy stood up and made his way towards me before stopping right in front of me. My face was met with his chest as his index lifted my chin up.

"I remember what we did and what I said. I really do love you, Vanessa."

"Now you know my name." I said through gritted teeth as he grabbed my face so that I wouldn't try to look away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He questioned with frowned eyebrows.

"You called me Maria- but that's so not the point. We shouldn't have done that, it was wrong. Can we just move on?"

"Shit." He whispered while letting my face go as I took a step back and away from him.

"Mariposa, I didn't mean too-"

"Fuck you, Chico. You can't say that you love me and have sex with me when you're fucking obsessed with that puttana!" I yelled while shoving him out of my room.

"Last time I checked, it takes two to tango." He shouted back while walking dangerously close to me, his chest bumping into me.

I didn't answer.

Though I did shove him back, wanting to create as much distance between us as I could.

"Not so tough are you now, mariposa?" Chico questioned with a sly smirk as I threw a punch in his face. Blood spurted out of his nose as he groaned in pain.

"Fuck you. Get out of our sight." Smiley said, a nasty smirk plastered on my face as Chico paled slightly.

"Smiley, amigo, let's calm down."

"I'm not repeating myself Chico. Get out or I won't hesitate to kill you." He stated while pulling the gun out of my waistband.

Chico raised his hands up in defence, blood running down his chin as Smiley motioned for him to get out.

"Don't speak to Vanessa unless it's to apologized for being the biggest dick in the universe."

"That's what I was trying to do!"

"Bullshit. You pretend to love her, to care for her but you're nothing by a manipulator. She'll never admit it but she thinks highly of you. But you- your just another egotistical jerk who thinks the world revolves around him."

Slamming the door in his face, Smiley took a deep breath before opening the window.

"I'm sorry, Nessa. Today's just been absolutely shitty for you and I shouldn't have taken over." Smiley admitted as I inwardly smiled at his sweetness.

"I'm okay, I promise. Today sucked but tomorrow might be better."

I has to be.

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