「 TEN 」

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you froze for a moment, scared to move

after hearing nothing for a minute straight, you finished putting on stu's sweater before walking out of the bathroom and heading straight for your room

you brushed your hair in complete silence but jumped at the noise of the phone in your room ringing

"hello?" you answered

"hey, you almost here?" it was tate

"yeah, i'm on my way, i just finished my shower" you responded

"okay, see you in a few. love you" tatum said

"love you too" you smiled before hanging up

you grabbed some clothes and put them in a bag just in case you decided to stay with stu for a while


"tate, i'm on my way—"

"hello, y/n"

"cut this shit out, it's not funny" you said

"oh, but it is" they laughed

"wanna guess which closet i'm in now?" they continued to tease you

"fuck you" you said before hanging up

you quickly grabbed your things before rushing downstairs, you headed straight for the door to find out it was unlocked

"fuck" you sighed, knowing this ghostface was back for you

the phone in your kitchen rang

"how about a game of 'hide n' seek'?" they giggled

"how about a game of 'go fuck yourselves'" you hung up once more

"you should really learn how to be kind" was all you heard before you seen ghostface charge at you again

catching you off guard, they tackled you to the ground with ease and held your arms down so you couldn't defend yourself

you managed to get your leg between you and them and wasted no time in kicking them in their private area

you heard them groan as you stood up to run back upstairs and hopefully just jump out your window

but of course, they caught you. but this time, it was with their knife

you cried as the knife made contact with your stomach, you couldn't move anymore and you've never felt more weak

the killer grabbed your hair before lifting your head up then slamming it on the ground, causing you to knock out


you woke up to yelling, you couldn't see anything but you knew you were tied up and that you had duct tape over your mouth

you stomach was in pain as your breathing accelerated, you then heard someone else breathing a few inches away from you

you quickly turned to see a man figure staring right back at you. you couldn't tell who it was with no light but you felt bad regardless

you started to cry and regret wanting to take that shower, if you just stayed with the riley siblings + sid, none of this would've happened

you just wished your friends were having more than you right now

you drowned out the yelling that woke you up, too deep in your thought's about stu, you just hope the murderer doesn't get to him or any of your friends

you started to get lightheaded with all the hyperventilating and the fact that you could barely breathe didn't make things any better

you were about to pass out when the door opened

you quickly look up to see... stu?

stu looked down at you just as shocked

he quickly bent down to you "i didn't wanna do it, babe" he whispered as he wiped your tears with his thumb "i didn't wanna do it" he repeated

"i promise you, i didn't take part in any of this, it was all billy" he whispered

"stuart!" billy yelled

"if anything happens, i love you" stu said before picking you up

"there she is!" someone yelled

"y/n!" both sidney and tatum yelled, trying to reach for you but failed because someone held them back

"my darling" you heard a familiar voice, you looked straight at them but could barely see because of the lighting change

the figure came closer to you to wipe your eyes and once you could see who it was, you had wish you were blind


as it was | stu macherWhere stories live. Discover now