VI. Long-distance relationship

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When I woke up, I was greeted by an exaggerated smile, "Miss Crystal. We're here." I threw the blanket off my body and dragged my legs out of the plane.

It's crazy bright.

Out of the plane and into the car; my body fell flat in the back. The car door closes and off I go to the hotel. When the driver said: "Miss Crystal. We're here."

I got up and the car door opened. Out of the car I go, and of course, I wouldn't miss the complimentary juice.

The days in Paris were like any other day abroad for me.

Beautiful sky-high view from the hotel room.

Delicious out-of-this-world meals.

Shopping spree that's comparable to middle-class family income.

But, no matter how beautiful the view is or how gorgeous the diamonds look on my body; my eyes continue to wander to my cell phone.

Not a single call from my family.

Outside of a small cafe, with a fresh cup of coffee beside my face, I stared at the screen. My heels tippy tap against the cement sidewalk.

One more day before I have to go back to Pandora Academy.

I wonder if anyone even misses me.

Something slapped against my face.

I picked it off and sat upward - a cloth napkin.

"Oh, no. I'm so sorry!" I looked forward and saw a woman in a white dress and a large floppy hat rushing towards me. Her hands wave in the air as if she's uncertain what to do with it.

"Mrs.Winston, if you will allow it, may I recommend-" A man handed her a white napkin.

"Oh, thank you." Mrs.Winston grabbed the napkin and cleaned my face.

What is happening?

"I'm so sorry," she said. "The wind caught me off guard."

"It's okay." When I got a closer look at Mrs.Winston's face, I realized how pale she looked, particularly with her hollow pink cheeks.

When she finished cleaning the invisible dirt on my face, we looked down to see my makeup on the white napkin. "Oh no, I'm so-"

"It's okay," I said.

I guess Jackson is right. A few days in Paris alone did calm my nerves.

Mrs.Winston exhaled sharply, "Can I buy you anything? As an apology?"

I wanted to reject her proposal but considering how she looks like she's about to cry any second, I couldn't say no. "Maybe, a muffin?"

She smiles, "Muffin it is."

Halfway through my muffin, I found myself immersed in a conversation with Mrs.Winston - whoever she may be. I found out she has children - a daughter and a son - and she's married. She found out I have a brother, stepfather, and mother.

"Your mom is pregnant?" Mrs.Winston's question.

I may have slipped how mom is pregnant and how upset I feel.

Who cares though?

She's a stranger.

"How lovely."

"Lovely?" I crossed my arms and legs then leaned back, "Yeah. Lovely. Now, they have a damn happy family."

Mrs.Winston giggles, "What do you mean?" she questions. "Why do you say it as if they weren't happy before the news?"

"Because they aren't. Jackson can't wait for his own child."

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