XVI. And out like a light, she goes

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Did I say his name out loud?


Oh shit, did I stutter?


I was too afraid to look at Hailey.

When did she notice?

Where did Ricardo mess up?

I'm going to kill him.

"No," I responded.

She doesn't look convinced. "Really?"

Now, what should I do?

Tell her the truth?

Deny. Deny. Deny!

"Yeah. Why would you think something is going on between us?"

Play stupid.

She scratches my head, "I don't know."

I pats her back, "HayHay. I'm going to say it now. One of your worst habits is overthinking things. Think simpler."

The elevator doors opened, and I walked out. "Woah, isn't this place cool?" I tried to steer away from the topic. "Doesnt it make you want to take pictures?" Hailey dropped the topic and took out her phone.

Mission succeed.

My eyes scoot for Ricardo, but I only see my stupid cousin and his stupid group.



"Hailey," I grabbed her arm, "Let's go."

I rolled my eyes when Josh flirts with Hailey, and it doesn't seem like I'm the only one who's disgusted either. How did he manage to catch sight of her so quickly?

"Enough flirting," I said. "HayHay and I are going skiing."

"Coming?" Hailey asked Josh.

"Nah. I'm going to go snowboarding with the guys. Have fun."

I thought my negative energy would disperse if I did a little skiing, but it doesn't seem like Hailey will let me feel any sort of positive emotions.

When Hailey told me she was taking a break from skiing, I had an opportunity to work on my negative thoughts.

I exhaled sharply at the top of the mountain then went downward. Times like these, I wish the mountains would open up and eat me whole.

When I reached the bottom of the mountain, I lifted my goggles.

"Hi," someone said.

I glance over, "Yes?"

"Um, I saw you skiing. You're really good."

"Thanks?" I grabbed the skis.

He follows me, "I was wondering where you learn how to ski like that."

"I'm sixteen."

He stops in his spot.

"That's what I thought." After a few feet, I mumbled: "Fucking pervert."

My legs came to a stop when I saw Ricardo smile at Hailey and say something that caused her cheeks to turn red.

I scoffed, "They're all fucking perverts." I dropped the ski equipment inside and walked back to the room.

My phone buzzes.

Spaghetti: Where are you?

I rolled my eyes and clicked the off button.

The phone buzzes and his name appears. I pressed the red button and put my phone on mute.

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