❀ Chapter 9 - The Hectic Car Chase ⚖︎

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3rd Person POV
15 Minutes have passed. Yanfei was still quietly asleep on Hu Tao's shoulder, while Hu Tao was still admiring Yanfei's beauty. Zhongli felt like a third wheel, but he didn't mind. As long as there's no trouble between the two, it was fine. It was a nice, peaceful car ride back. But then... Zhongli heard yelling behind him. It was a man shouting, "GET BACK HERE!" With four cars chasing them.

Shit. Zhongli and Hu Tao knew exactly who it was. It was some Kaeluc Roolz organization members. It was very obvious, mainly since there were only blue and red cars chasing them.

"Goddamn it..." Zhongli muttered.

Hu Tao just gently covered Yanfei's ears. She didn't want those fools waking Yanfei up. But that quickly failed, with one of the organization members shooting a bullet at Zhongli's tire, only hitting the rim, which obviously made a loud noise. So... Yanfei shot up awake, yelling from surprise.

"GAH! What was that?!" Yanfei yelled out of shock.

"Haha... They're chasing us." Hu Tao said nervously.


"Those ugly organization members!"

"WHAT?!" Yanfei shouted. She looked out the window, and saw 4 cars chasing them.


"YanYaan! You need to calm down..."

"Calm down?! How am I supposed to—"

"Just breathe in, and breathe out!"

Yanfei did what Hu Tao said, and surely enough, it somehow worked.

"...Thanks, TaoTao..." Yanfei muttered.

"No problem, YanYan! Now, Mr. Zhongli, are you able to go faster?"

"I'm trying, Hu Tao... But if I go any faster, I'm afraid I'll crash into those cones on the road."

"Eh, we'll be fine... They're just cones!"

"Tao! They might be blocking something important or dangerous though!"

"...Okay maybe you have a point..."

"I might as well take a short cut."

So Zhongli drives to the right side, going to a route that looks rather... Dangerous. But they have no other way to go, so Zhongli drives to that route.

...Unfortunately, the cars were still chasing them, leaving Hu Tao an inch closer to actually shooting one of the red cars tires. But that inch quickly became reality when one the of red car drivers said...


That angered Hu Tao so much, she fired 2 shots. One at the car windshield, and one at the rubber part of the tire. Which obviously ended up with the car crashing, with the driver and passenger probably dying. But Hu Tao didn't care. If anyone  says anything... Audacious about Yanfei... Let's just say it wouldn't end well.


"What? They were being a rude bitch to you!"

"But you didn't have to—"

Hu Tao smashed her lips into Yanfei's, interrupting Yanfei's sentence. The kiss didn't last very long, since Hu Tao just wanted to make Yanfei flustered. And well... She succeeded. Yanfei became silence afterwards, with a face coloured a light shade of pink.

"Hehe, that got you quiet, didn't it?" Hu Tao teased.

"Hmph..." Yanfei said embarrassed.

Zhongli just chuckled. He was also relieved, since one car was down. Only 3 more to lose, or... Get rid of. Zhongli was driving at the speed of 49. Which was kinda slow, but he didn't want to overdrive the speed limit. But then he saw a sign that said, "Speed Limit: 65." So he drove faster. To lose the cars chasing them, and to get to his office building faster. It kind of worked...

Games Into Reality (YanTao) DISCONTINUED!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt