❀ Chapter 2 - New Life, Old Friend Found ⚖︎

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3rd Person POV

Yanfei was now a detective. Now just wondering why Hu Tao broke that promise.

Was that promise just a lie? Or was it just a way to say, "I'll leave you later on?"

Yanfei was now involved in a new case. She just finished a case a few weeks ago.

Yanfei is a detective that works solo, since she was aloud to, and she wasn't interested in working with anyone else.

...At least she kept her side of the promise, not replacing Hu Tao with anyone else. But Hu Tao broke her side of the promise.

Hu Tao became a criminal, but Yanfei doesn't know where Hu Tao is now.


3 years ago, Yanfei was walking down Liyue Harbor, going down a rather suspicious route, but all the other routes towards her house were blocked, so she had no choice.

She then heard a bloody scream, then a sick stab sound followed after.

Yanfei flinched. But... She was also quite curious...

"Wait- no- that would be stupid of me. Ugh, damn you curiosity!" Yanfei thought. So she ended up being tricked by her curiosity, and went.

Yanfei followed the direction of the scream, then she saw an unbelievable sight.

It was Hu Tao was standing right before the dead body. Expression cold, and heartless. Almost as if she was being controlled by something, or someone.

"...TaoTao...?" Yanfei said, terrified that her bestfriend, Hu Tao, would murder anyone.

Hu Tao was a very cheery yet mischievious person. Pranking Yanfei everyday, but Yanfei loved that part of Hu Tao. She enjoyed those moments.

...Yanfei ended up catching feelings for Hu Tao, with her heart beating rapidly whenever she's with Hu Tao... but she then convinced herself it was just a phase, then fell out of love.

Hu Tao then snapped back to her senses, staring at Yanfei shocked. Hu Tao never thought that Yanfei, out of all people would take this route home.

Out of guilt, Hu Tao ran away faster than she ever ran before.

...Yanfei was too terrified to chase after Hu Tao. She just stood there. Eyes widened, and tears forming out of worry for Hu Tao.

She was worried. A LOT. She was also very afraid that she would never see Hu Tao again. Unfortunately, her fear became a reality. After the incident, Hu Tao stopped going to school. But Yanfei tried everything to contact her. Calling, texts, voicemails, emails... Even going to Hu Tao's house didn't work.

Then a year passed, Yanfei was now working as a junior detective. Helping her boss detective, Zhongli with cases. Zhongli was quite rude at first, but then he warmed up to her overtime.

Unfortunately... Their friendship then gained a huge gap, leaving Yanfei and Hu Tao's friendship almost forgotten.

End of Backstory

Yanfei's POV

I was hired a new case today. Work never ends, huh? Oh well. this was my dream job anyways... But it's still painful to think about that promise.

My last case was kidnapping. I successfully solved it, fortunately. This time, this case was quite different. It was a murder case. An unfortunate one.

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